Subject verb agreement worksheet-2
Fill in the blank with the correct verb form:
A. Are having B. None of them
C. Have D. Had
A. Are B. Is
C. None of them D. Were
A. Are B. Were
C. Is D. None of them
A. Have B. Is having
C. Had D. Has
A. Are going B. None of them
C. Go D. Goes
A. Telling B. Told C. Tell D. Tells
A. Making B. Makes
C. None of them D. Make
A. Was B. Were
C. None of them D. Am
A. None of them B. Is
C. Are D. Were
A. Is B. Are
C. None of them D. Were
Answer Key:
Explanation: ‘Universal truth’ suggests the simple present tense; hence ‘have’ is correct.
Explanation: ‘As well as’ suggests the singular subject (Sunil); hence ‘is’ is correct. (‘As well as’+ noun(s) are not part of the subject)
Explanation: ‘Or’ suggests the singular subject; hence ‘is’ is correct.
Explanation: ‘Every dog’ suggests the singular and it is a universal truth; hence ‘has’ is correct.
Explanation: ‘Children’ suggests the plural and this is routine; hence ‘go’ is correct.
Explanation: ‘One and should’ suggests the singular and original form; hence ‘tell’ is correct.
Explanation: ‘Imperative sentence’ suggests the simple present tense; hence ‘make’ is correct.
Explanation: ‘This is a hypothetical (imaginary) situation’; hence ‘were’ is correct.
Explanation: ‘A thousand rupees’ suggests the singular; hence ‘is’ is correct.
Explanation: ‘The poet and singer’ suggests the singular; hence ‘is’ is correct. (If ‘the’ is used before singer also – the poet and THE singer – then the subject becomes plural – otherwise, the word poet and singer signify the same person – Swanand Kirkire.)