
Subject verb agreement worksheet-1

Subject verb agreement worksheet-1


Fill in the blank with the correct verb form:

  1. The President ___ in Delhi.

A. Is living         B. Lives              C. Lived              D. Live


  1. This pair of jeans ____ new.

A. Are                 B. Were              C. Is                    D. Has


  1. Be careful! A lot of water ____ been spilled here.

A. Is                    B. Have              C. Had                D. Has


  1. One of these boys ___ a very good chess player.

A. Is                    B. Are                 C. Were              D. Have


  1. There ____ a few mango trees in my garden.

A. Is                                                 B. Are

C. Was                                            D. None of them


  1. The class of twenty students ___ coming to meet Mr. Kalam.

A. None of them                            B. Is

C. Are                                              D. Were


  1. The stationery ___ not new.

A. Is                                                 B. None of them

C. Are                                              D. Were


  1. Each of the boys ____ written the essay well.

A. Have                                           B. Has

C. None of them                            D. Was


  1. Cows ____ milk and sheep ____ wool.

A. Gives              B. Given             C. Gave               D. Give


  1. The Red Fort ___ a famous monument of India.

A. None of them                            B. Was

C. Were                                           D. Is


Answer Key:

  1. B

Explanation: This is routine, hence simple present tense is correct.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Pair of jeans’ is considered a singular; hence simple past tense is correct.


  1. D

Explanation: ‘Water’ is an uncountable noun; hence singular verb is correct.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘One’ suggests a singular noun; hence ‘is’ is correct.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Few mango trees’ suggests the plural; hence ‘are’ is correct.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Class’ suggests the singular; hence ‘is’ is correct.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Stationery’ suggests the singular; hence ‘is’ is correct.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Each’ suggests the singular; hence ‘has’ is correct.


  1. D

Explanation: ‘Cows’ suggests the plural; hence ‘give’ is correct. (Plural of sheep is ‘sheep.’)


  1. D

Explanation: ‘Red Fort’ suggests the singular; hence ‘is’ is correct.