
Vocabulary Word Power Worksheet-27

Word Power Worksheet – 27


Choose the correct word for the given clue.

  1. "eighth planet from the sun"

(a) metabolism (b) enlighten     (c) Neptune       (d) pantomime


  1. "writing or speech that is not meant to be taken literally"

(a) untied                                       (b) exercises    

(c) figurative language                (d) texture


  1. "ninth planet and is most of the time the farthest away from the sun"

(a) browse         (b) flashback    (c) Pluto             (d) gurgling


  1. "scrutinize; study"

(a) ingestion      (b) enigmatic    (c) analyze         (d) luster


  1. "To present one part of a story at a time"

(a) miniature    (b) serialize       (c) adept            (d) virago


  1. "lively; bright; clearly perceived by the mind"

(a) vivid              (b) serialize       (c) poised           (d) instincts


  1. "hardness of an object"

(a) scenario       (b) beguile         (c) density         (d) anonymous


  1. "A pen name"

(a) instincts       (b) audition       (c) pseudonym (d) dilution


  1. "weakened substance"

(a) dilution        (b) citation        (c) disinfectant (d) texture


  1. "the amount or quantity produced"

(a) yield              (b) gurgling       (c) majority       (d) placid


  1. "Conversation, often in a play or book"

(a) dialogue       (b) talent            (c) ore                 (d) babble


  1. "to make slow, delay, hold back"

(a) symbol         (b) father           (c) polygon        (d) retard


  1. "act of expanding; being expanded (enlargement or increase)"

(a) indignant     (b) properties   (c) bakery          (d) expansion


  1. "a reference book that lists the names of places"

(a) father           (b) analyze        (c) gazetteer      (d) beguile


  1. "public recognition"

(a) reputation   (b) pallid            (c) beguile         (d) venture


  1. "to refuse to give; to reject as untrue"

(a) demy            (b) plutonian    (c) deny              (d) imagery


  1. "something that stands for or represents something else"

(a) poised          (b) craven           (c) symbol         (d) pantry


  1. "to ask earnestly for something"

(a) amity            (b) scenario       (c) virago           (d) entreat


  1. "unexplored place"

(a) literary         (b) frontier        (c) chamber      (d) custom


  1. "brief story"

(a) anecdote      (b) principal     (c) dishonest     (d) virago


  1. "largest planet and the fifth planet from the sun"

(a) inactive        (b) badge           (c) Jupiter         (d) disapprove


  1. "furnish what is needed"

(a) ominous      (b) cacophony  (c) supply          (d) etymology


  1. "reasonable conclusion drawn from hints or implications"

(a) publicity      (b) flashback    (c) offensive      (d) inference


  1. "to uncover; to reveal; to make known"

(a) chamber                                   (b) metabolism

(c) retard                                        (d) disclose


  1. "one who keeps another company"

(a) baton            (b) companion (c) cacophony   (d) mutual


  1. "expert"

(a) goblin           (b) adept            (c) twilight        (d) baggage


  1. "comparison between two basically unlike things without using "like" or "as"

(a) unseen         (b) extinct          (c) dreaded       (d) metaphor


  1. "covered with filthy mud"

(a) quality          (b) slimy            (c) universe       (d) disinfectant


  1. "goes on and on"

(a) international                           (b) density        

(c) flagon                                        (d) rambles


  1. "a measure of the amount of matter in an object"

(a) academic                                 (b) indigenous

(c) indifference                            (d) mass



1-c;  2-c;  3-c;  4-c;  5-b;  6-a;  7-c;  8-c;  9-a;  10-a;  11-a;  12-d;  13-d;  14-c;  15-a;  16-c;  17-c;  18-d;  19-b;  20-a;  21-c;  22-c;  23-d;  24-d;  25-b;  26-b;  27-d;  28-b;  29-d;  30-d