
Tissue Worksheet-13

Tissue Worksheet-13


  1. Which living cell of phloem does not contain nucleus at maturity?


  1. Cells of the tissue capable of cell division.


  1. A group of cells performing specific function.


  1. Tissues concerned with the transportation of food, water and minerals.


  1. Structures within cell concerned with different functions.


  1. Several tissues collectively performing the same function.


  1. Tissue that forms inner lining of our mouth.


  1. Tissue that connects muscle to bone in humans.


  1. Tissue that transports food in plants.


  1. Tissues that stores fat in our body.


  1. Connective tissue with fluid matrix.


  1. Tissue present in brain.


  1. Tissue present in soft parts of the plant like cortex and pith of stem.


  1. Long and unbranched extension of a neuron.


  1. A component of phloem formed by end to end fusion of cells with perforated transverse walls.


  1. Thickenings present in sclerenchyma cells.


  1. Thin, hair-like projections present at the free ends of cuboidal epithelium.


  1. Waterproof layer persent on the outer wall of epidermal cells.


  1. The pigment present in red blood cells.


  1. Zig-zag thickenings in cardiac muscles.


  1. Identify the tissue from description given below:

Cell wall unevenly thickened with cellulose corners.


  1. Identify the tissue from description given below:

Occurs below epidermis in stems.


  1. Identify the tissue from description given below:

It has thin, cellulose cell wall.


  1. Identify the tissue from description given below:

Conducts water and minerals from the root to the leaves.


  1. Identify the tissue from description given below:

Cuboid or columnar cells, lining the trachea of vertebrates.


  1. Identify the tissue from description given below:

Found beneath the bark and causes the organ to increase in diameter.


  1. Identify the tissue from description given below:

Hard porous tissue impregnated with calcium and magnesium salts.


  1. Identify the tissue from description given below:

Occurs only in heart.


  1. Identify the tissue from description given below:

Cells are taller than broad, with nucleus towards the base.


  1. Identify the tissue from description given below:

Cell wall evenly thickened with lignin.



  1. Sieve tube

  2. Meristematic tissue

  3. Tissue

  4. Vascular

  5. Organelles

  6. Organ

  7. Stratified epithelium

  8. Tendon

  9. Phloem

  10. Adipose

  11. Blood, lymph

  12. Nervous

  13. Parenchyma

  14. Axon

  15. Sieve tube

  16. Lignin

  17. Cilia

  18. Cuticle

  19. Haemoglobin

  20. Intercalated disc

  21. Collenchyma

  22. Collenchyma

  23. Parenchyma

  24. Xylem

  25. Ciliated epithelium

  26. Lateral meristem

  27. Bone

  28. Cardiac muscles

  29. Columnar epithelium

  30. Sclerenchyma