
Types of adjectives-3

Types of adjectives-3


Mention the type of the underlined adjective:


  1. Bring those children inside, Sheila.

(A) Possessive adjective              (B) Adjective of quantity

(C) Demonstrative adjective      (D) Adjective of quality


  1. Why does she want his address?

(A) Possessive adjective              (B) Interrogative adjective

(C) Adjective of quantity             (D) Adjective of quality


  1. This coffee is very refreshing.

(A) Adjective of quantity, demonstrative adjective

(B) Adjective of quality, demonstrative adjective

(C) Demonstrative adjective, adjective of quality

(D) Demonstrative adjective, adjective of quantity


  1. The lovely flowers are a gift from Anil.

(A) Adjective of quality               (B) Adjective of number

(C) Adjective of quantity             (D) Possessive adjective


  1. Sheila is busy doing the hundred sums given for homework.

(A) Adjective of quality               (B) Adjective of number

(C) Demonstrative adjective      (D) Adjective of quantity


  1. When will you finish reading the thick book?

(A) Adjective of quantity             (B) Adjective of quality

(C) Interrogative adjective         (D) Demonstrative adjective


  1. Much of the air has escaped through this hole.

(A) Adjective of quality, demonstrative adjective

(B) Adjective of quantity, demonstrative adjective

(C) Adjective of quantity, possessive adjective

(D) Demonstrative adjective, adjective of quantity


  1. The big book in on the chair.

(A) Adjective of number             (B) Adjective of quality

(C) Demonstrative adjective      (D) Adjective of quantity


  1. A few benches are broken here.

(A) Adjective of quantity             (B) Adjective of number

(C) Adjective of quality               (D) Demonstrative adjective


  1. Which dress shall I wear to the party?

(A) Adjective of quantity             (B) Interrogative adjective

(C) Adjective of quality               (D) Demonstrative adjective


  1. Their car has been parked in a wrong place.

(A) Adjective of quality, possessive adjective

(B) Adjective of quantity, adjective of quality

(C) Possessive adjective, adjective of quality

(D) Demonstrative adjective, adjective of quality


  1. Her necklace is very pretty.

(A) Adjective of quantity, adjective of quality

(B) Adjective of quality, possessive adjective

(C) Possessive adjective, adjective of quality

(D) Demonstrative adjective, adjective of quality


  1. There are two eggs in this nest.

(A) Adjective of number, demonstrative adjective

(B) Demonstrative adjective, adjective of number

(C) Adjective of quantity, demonstrative adjective

(D) Adjective of quality, adjective of number


  1. The fragrant flowers are always soothing.

(A) Adjective of quantity             (B) Demonstrative adjective

(C) Interrogative adjective         (D) Adjective of quality


  1. Some boys have broken the window.

(A) Adjective of quality               (B) Adjective of number

(C) Adjective of quantity             (D) Demonstrative adjective


  1. Go and find the missing link.

(A) Adjective of quantity             (B) Adjective of quality

(C) Demonstrative adjective      (D) Interrogative adjective



  1. (C)

Exp: ‘Those’ points to children; hence demonstrative adjective.

  1. (A)

Exp: ‘His’ shows ownership; hence possessive adjective.

  1. (C)

Exp: ‘This’ points to coffee; hence demonstrative adjective. ‘Refreshing’ tells us

‘what kind of’ coffee; hence adjective of quality.

  1. (A)

Exp: ‘Lovely’ tells us ‘what kind of’ flowers; hence adjective of quality

  1. (B)

Exp: ‘Hundred’ tells us ‘how many’ sums (countable noun); hence adjective of number.

  1. (B)

Exp: ‘Thick’ tells us ‘what kind of’ book; hence adjective of quality.

  1. (B)

Exp: ‘Much of’ tells us ‘how much’ air (uncountable noun); hence adjective of quantity. ‘This’ points to hole; hence demonstrative adjective.

  1. (B)

Exp: ‘Big’ tells us ‘what kind of’ book; hence adjective of quality.

  1. (B)

Exp: ‘A few’ tells us ‘how many’ benches; hence adjective of number.

  1. (B)

Exp: Since a question is asked it is an interrogative adjective.

  1. (C)

Exp: ‘Their’ shows ownership; hence possessive adjective. ‘Wrong’ tells us

‘what kind of’ place; hence adjective of quality.

  1. (C)

Exp: ‘Her’ shows ownership; hence possessive adjective. ‘Pretty’ tells us ‘what kind of’ necklace; hence adjective of quality.

  1. (A)

Exp: ‘Two’ tells us ‘how many’ eggs; hence adjective of number. ‘This’ points to nest; hence demonstrative adjective.

  1. (D)

Exp: ‘Fragrant’ tells us ‘what kind of’ flowers; hence adjective of quality.

  1. (B)

Exp: ‘Some’ tells us ‘how many’ boys; hence adjective of number.

  1. (B)

Exp: ‘Missing’ tells us ‘what kind of’ link; hence adjective of quality.