
Types of phrases Worksheet-4

Types of phrases Worksheet-4


See the underlined phrase and state its kind:

  1. We saw some beautiful pictures in the gallery today.

A. Noun phrase                             B. Adverb phrase

C. Adjective phrase                      D. None of these


  1. The jewels belonging to the actress are missing.

A. Noun phrase                             B. Adjective phrase

C. None of these                            D. Adverb phrase


  1. This ancient monument has been restored recently.

A. Adverb phrase                          B. Noun phrase

C. Adjective phrase                      D. None of these


  1. This ancient monument has been restored in recent times.

A. Adverb phrase                          B. Noun phrase

C. None of these                            D. Adjective phrase


  1. All the topics taught by Anita ma’am have been interesting.

A. Adverb phrase                          B. Noun phrase

C. None of these                            D. Adjective phrase


  1. The library near my house is shut for repairs.

A. Adverb phrase                          B. Noun phrase

C. Adjective phrase                      D. None of these


  1. Sunita found a ten-rupee note.

A. Noun phrase                             B. Adverb phrase

C. None of these                            D. Adjective phrase


  1. The ten-rupee note was lying on the ground.

A. Noun phrase                             B. None of these

C. Adjective phrase                      D. Adverb phrase


  1. Anita has been told to do a project having amazing potential.

A. Adjective phrase                      B. Noun phrase

C. Adverb phrase                          D. None of these


  1. She wants to thank you from the bottom of her heart.

A. Noun phrase                             B. Adjective phrase

C. Adverb phrase                          D. None of these


Answer Key:

  1. B

Explanation: The underlined phrase does the work of an adverb; hence it is an adverb phrase.


  1. B

Explanation: The underlined phrase does the work of an adjective; hence it is an adjective phrase.


  1. B

Explanation: The underlined phrase does the work of a noun; hence it is a noun phrase.


  1. A

Explanation: The underlined phrase does the work of an adverb; hence it is and verb phrase.


  1. B

Explanation: The underlined phrase does the work of a noun; hence it is a noun phrase.


  1. C

Explanation: The underlined phrase does the work of an adjective; hence it is an adjective phrase.


  1. A

Explanation: The underlined phrase does the work of a noun; hence it is a noun phrase.


  1. D

Explanation: The underlined phrase does the work of an adverb; hence it is an adverb phrase.


  1. A

Explanation: The underlined phrase does the work of an adjective; hence it is an adjective phrase.


  1. C

Explanation: The underlined phrase does the work of an adverb; hence it is an adverb phrase.