
English Olympiad Grade 4 Worksheet-3

The Complete Course of Grammar Worksheet-3


  1. I want to paint my room today. Blue is my favorite color. I know a store that sells paints.

What you think will happen next?

A. I will go to the store to buy milk.

B. I will buy a notebook.

C. I will go to the store to buy paint.

D. I will go to the library to buy paint.


  1. What does reread mean?

A. read before                               B. read again

C. read wrong                               D. not read

Try more worksheets for idioms proverbs

  1. Select the sentence that is written correctly

A. Me and my mum went to the shops.

B. Me and my mum goes to the shop.

C. My mum and I went to the shop.

D. Mum and me went to the shop.


  1. I think algebra is the ______class I have ever taken.

A. hard               B. hardest                   C. harder           D. none of these


  1. Which sentence is written correctly?

A. My dad have a real talent for cooking interesting meals.

B. My aunts has a box full of their favorite recipes.

C. We has wonderful meals at Grandma's house.

D. They have a hot lunch at school everyday.


  1. Alka is the ____ person I know.

A. funny                                          B. more funny

C. funnier                                       D. funniest


  1. I think my new dog is the ____ birthday present I've ever had.

A. most wonderful                       B. wonderfullest

C. more wonderful                       D. wonderful


  1. Which of the following is a complete sentence?

A. Walked to the nearest store.

B. The clear, blue sky.

C. We laughed at the joke.

D. Remembering last year's party.


  1. Which of the following is a complete sentence?

A. Around the corner.                 B. The dogs barked.

C. Through the front door.         D. A clear, blue sky.


  1. Choose the sentence that is written correctly.

A. The last day of school is May 25 2010.

B. The last day of school is , May 25, 2010.

C. The last day of school is May 25, 2010.

D. The last day of school is May, 25 2010.


Answer Keys:

(1)–C; (2)–B; (3)–C; (4)–B; (5)–D; (6)–D; (7)–A; (8)–C; (9)–B; (10)–C