
Use of has-have-had Worksheet-8

Use of has-have-had Worksheet-8


Use has-have-or-had appropriately in the blank:

  1. Everyone _____given their names for the picnic which is on Tuesday.

A. Have              B. Has                C. Had                D. None of them


  1. Our school ____ a big playground.

A. Has                B. Had                C. Have              D. None of them


  1. Last year our school ____ four new classes.

A. None of them                            B. Had

C. Have                                           D. Has


  1. Cats ____ very sharp eyes.

A. None of them                            B. Has

C. Had                                             D. Have


  1. Last year I ____ only four dresses.

A. None of them                            B. Have

C. Has                                             D. Had


  1. This year I ____ four more dresses.

A. Had                                             B. None of them

C. Has                                             D. Have


  1. All these knives ____ red handles now.

A. Have                                           B. None of them

C. Had                                             D. Has


  1. My sister ____ long hair when she was 8 years old.

A. Had                B. Has                C. Have              D. None of them


  1. Today, my sister ____ very short hair.

A. Has                                             B. Had                C. None of them

D. Have


  1.  The teacher ____ given us some homework. We need to show it tomorrow.

A. Had                B. Has                C. Have              D. None of them


Answer Key:

  1. B

Explanation: For third person singular subject ‘has’ is correct. (part 2 of  the sentence indicates present tense)

  1. A

Explanation: For third person singular subject ‘has’ is correct. (stating a fact indicates present tense)

  1. B

Explanation: For third person singular subject ‘had’ is correct. (Last year indicates past tense)

  1. D

Explanation: For third person plural subject ‘have’ is correct. (the sentence states a universal truth; hence present tense)

  1. D

Explanation: For first person singular subject ‘had’ is correct. (last year indicates past tense)

  1. D

Explanation: For firs person singular subject ‘have’ is correct. (this year indicates present tense)

  1. A

Explanation: For third person plural subject ‘have’ is correct. (now indicates present tense)

  1. D

Explanation: For third person singular subject ‘had’ is correct. (part 2 of the sentence indicates past tense)

  1. A

Explanation: For third person singular subject ‘has’ is correct. (today indicates present tense)

  1. B

Explanation: For third person singular subject ‘has’ is correct. (Sentence 2 indicates present tense)