Use of 's Worksheet-1
Use the apostrophe (’) at the right place and rewrite the sentence:
A. Minas book’s have colourful cover’s.
B. Mina’s books have colourful covers.
C. Minas book’s have colourful covers
D. Minas books have colourful cover’s.
A. Shital’s and her friend’s brothers are coming to our house.
B. Shital’s and her friends brothers are coming to our house.
C. Shitals and her friend’s brothers are coming to our house.
D. Shitals and her friends brother’s are coming to our house.
A. The cars brakes’ need immediate oiling.
B. The car’s brake’s need immediate oiling.
C. The cars brake’s need immediate oiling.
D. The car’s brakes need immediate oiling.
A. The boys glasse’s are very smart.
B. The boy’s glasses are very smart.
C. The boy’s glasse’s are very smart.
D. The boys glasses’ are very smart.
A. The cows legs’ are very weak.
B. The cow’s leg’s are very weak.
C. The cows leg’s are very weak.
D. The cow’s legs are very weak.
A. Anil’s house and his cars are all for sale.
B. Anils house and his car’s are all for sale.
C. Anils house and hi’s cars are all for sale.
D. Anil’s house and his car’s are all for sale.
A. That dogs eye’s are like a pair of shining stone’s.
B. That dog’s eyes are like a pair of shining stones.
C. That dogs eyes are like a pair of shining stone’s.
D. That dogs eye’s are like a pair of shining stones.
A. Hiteshs friends mother cook’s very well.
B. Hitesh’s friends mother cook’s very well.
C. Hitesh’s friend’s mother cooks very well.
D. Hiteshs friend’s mother cooks very well.
A. There are many cat’s in my neighbours’ house.
B. There are many cat’s in my neighbour’s house.
C. There are many cat’s in my neighbours house.
D. There are many cats in my neighbour’s house.
A. Sheila’s clothes’ are all new.
B. Sheilas clothes’ are all new.
C. Sheila’s clothes are all new.
D. Sheilas clothe’s are all new.
Answer Key:
Explanation: Mina’s shows that the books belong to Mina.
Explanation: Shital’s & friend’s shows that the brothers belong to Shital and her friends.
Explanation: Car’s shows that the brakes belong to the car.
Explanation: Boy’s shows that the glasses belong to the boy.
Explanation: Cow’s shows that the legs belong to the cow.
Explanation: Anil’s shows that the house and cars belong to Anil.
Explanation: Dog’s shows that the eyes belong to the dog.
Explanation: Hitesh’s friend’s shows that the mother belongs to the friend.
Explanation: Neighbour’s shows that the house belong to the neighbour.
Explanation: Sheila’s shows that the clothes belong to Sheila.