
Articles Worksheet-2

Articles Worksheet-2


Fill in the correct article wherever necessary:

  1. ____ Mathematics is difficult but interesting.

A. No article required                 B. The

C. A                                                  D. An


  1. Her sister holds ____ MBA degree.

A. The                                              B. No article required

C. An                                               D. A


  1. I bought ____ golden chain today.

A. The                                              B. No article required

C. An                                               D. A


  1. Is there _____ milk in that jug?

A. An                                               B. No article required

C. A                                                  D. The


  1. ____ second boy is quite tall, isn’t he?

A. An                                               B. A

C. No article required                 D. The


  1. ____ Taj Mahal is in Agra.

A. A                                                  B. The

C. An                                               D. No article required


  1. Only ____ honorable man can be trusted at all times.

A. No article required                 B. A

C. An                                               D. The


  1. “Please shut ____ door and come in,” said Mother.

A. The                                              B. A

C. No article required                 D. An



  1. May I have _____ egg for breakfast?

A. No article required                 B. An

C. A                                                  D. The


  1. ____ ‘Hindustan Times’ is a good daily.

A. A                                                  B. The

C. An                                               D. No article required


Answer Key:

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Mathematics’ is the name of a subject; hence no article is required.  

  1. C

Explanation: ‘M’ starts with a vowel sound; hence ‘an’ is used.

  1. D

Explanation: ‘Golden’ starts with a consonant sound; hence ‘a’ is used.

  1. B

Explanation: ‘Milk’ is an uncountable noun; hence no article is required.

  1. D

Explanation:  ‘Second’ is an ordinal number; hence ‘the’ is used.

  1. B

Explanation: ‘Taj Mahal’ is a monument; hence ‘the’ is used.

  1. C

Explanation: ‘Honorable’ starts with a vowel sound ‘H’ is silent; hence ‘an’ is used.

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Door’ is particular; hence ‘the’ is used.

  1. B

Explanation: ‘Egg’ starts with a vowel sound; hence ‘an’ is used.

  1. B

Explanation: ‘Hindustan Times’ is the name of a newspaper; hence ‘the’ is used.