
English Olympiad Grammar Worksheet-41

The complete course of grammar Worksheet-41


  1. Specify the correct verb form.

My father's alarm clock _____ (ring) every morning at 5:30 a.m.

A. ring                B. ringes            C. rings              D. ringing


  1. Specify the correct verb forms.

Simon and Carol _____ (love) to go to their cabin in the winter.

A. lovingly         B. loving             C. loves               D. love


  1. Which of the following sentences is a complex sentence?

A. Tomorrow the students have a test in English and in Algebra.

B. They are studying because they want to do well on both tests.

C. English is a hard subject for some, but many find math even harder.

D. Rain is badly needed in the area.


  1. Specify the correct pronoun.

They are asking two hundred dollars, but_____ should be a lower price because there is no chair with the desk.

A. they                B. it                     C. he                             D. she


  1. Which is a sentence fragment in the following?

A. Take your umbrella.

B. It might rain today.

C. Dark clouds in the sky.

D. Rain is badly needed in the area.


  1. Which of the following sentences show correct placement of commas?

A. My spaniel is a fat, cute, puppy.

B. My ,spaniel is a fat, cute puppy.

C. My spaniel, is a fat, cute, puppy.

D. My spaniel is a fat, cute puppy.


  1. Specify the correct verb form.

When the queen enters, each guest should_____ from his or her chair.

A. raise               B. rise                 C. rose                D. risen


  1. Specify the type of sentence.

An_____ sentence asks a question and ends with a question mark.

A. Specify the type of sentence.

B. interrogative

C. declarative

D. imperative


  1. Specify the type of sentence.

A_____ sentence makes a statement and ends with a period (full stop)

A. exclamatory                              B. declarative

C. interrogative                             D. imperative


  1. Specify the type of clause that best suits the blank.

A simple sentence is a/an _____.

A. Independent Clause                B. subordinate clause

C. noun clause                               D. adjective clause


Answer Key:

  1. C

  2. D

  3. B

  4. B

  5. C

  6. D

  7. B

  8. B

  9. B

  10. A