
English Olympiad Grade 4 Worksheet-36

The Complete Course of Grammar Worksheet-36


  1. Choose the correctly written compound sentence.

A. The teachers planned the lesson, they went to lunch.

B. Abhishek missed the bus, yet she made it to school on time.

C. Chirag went to Disney World, he rode Slash Mountain.

D. Florida is a great destination therefore it is very hot.


  1. What is the verb in the sentence?

We walked down the street.

A. we                   B. walked           C. street             D. down


  1. What type of sentences is this:

The moon rose and everything looked bright.

A. simple           B. compound    C. complex        D. compound-complex


  1. Which transition word should be used to complete the sentence?

Jairaj ate too fast. ____ his stomach began to hurt.

A.  As a result,                               B.  For instance,

C. However,                                   D.  On the other hand,


  1. Choose the best transition word to complete the sentence.

I would like to read more books, _____, I don’t seem to have enough time.

A. in conclusion                             B. furthermore

C. however                                    D. meanwhile


  1. Choose the most effective transition word to complete the sentence.

Anu had studied for hours. _____ she scored well on the test.

A. Lastly,                                        B. Nevertheless,

C. Therefore,                                 D. However,


  1. The dust filled the air after the wind blew.

Which part of the sentence is the independent clause?

A. The dust filled the air             B. after the wind blew.

C. the air after the wind blew.   D. The dust


  1. Which of the following words should be capitalized?

A. smith             B. river               C. city                 D. school


  1. Pick out the correct simile.

As busy as a _____.

A. bee                 B. insect             C. spider            D. snake


  1. What is the complete subject?

A. The noun/pronoun we are speaking about along with its attribute

B. All the words before the verb with proper attributes

C. the verb

D. all the words after the verb


Answer Keys:

(1)–B; (2)–B; (3)–B; (4)–A; (5)–C; (6)–C; (7)–A; (8)–A; (9)–A; (10)–A