
English Olympiad Grade 2 Verbs Worksheet-3

English Verbs Worksheet-3


  1. Identify the verb in the sentence.

       Rosy left my bag at the door.

       A. left                  B. bag                 C. door               D. at


  1. Identify the verb in the sentence.

       He searched the entire room for the blue gem.

       A. entire room B. searched       C. gem                D. blue

Click here for more English practice tests on vowels-consonants

  1. Identify the verb in the sentence.

       I received a letter in the mail box.

       A. received        B. letter              C. mail               D. all of these


  1. Identify the verb in the sentence.

       Dad threw the ball to my little brother Manu.

       A. Manu            B. little               C. threw             D. brother


  1. Identify the verb in the sentence.

       Who will draw me pictures?

       A. pictures        B. who                C. me                  D. draw


  1. I feel tired today. I did not ______ well last night.

       A. cry                 B. fix                   C. line                 D. sleep


  1. She ______ her bicycle on the sidewalk.

       A. she                 B. stopped         C. fan                  D. joke


  1. We all ______ songs around the campfire.

       A. sang               B. songs             C. around          D. campfire


  1. Jack and Jill _____ to the fruit Market.

       A. when              B. toss                C. went               D. deep


  1. I fell and hurt my ______.

       A. tap                  B. mat               C. knee               D. wet



(1)–A; (2)–B; (3)–A; (4)–C; (5)–D; (6)–D; (7)–B; (8)–A; (9)–C; (10)–C