
Vocabulary Word Power Worksheet-2

Word Power Worksheet – 2
Choose the correct word for the given clue.
  1. "A fog or cloud of small drops of water or dust particles in the air."
(a) talking          (b) available      (c) knew             (d) haze
  1. "a combination of things"
(a) cranes          (b) Parliament (c) mix               (d) new
  1. "feeling a need for food"
(a) music           (b) proud           (c) privileges     (d) hungry
  1. "to set free; to let go"
(a) released                                    (b) immediately
(c) village                                        (d) jeans
  1. "being in agreement or in harmony"
(a) blockade      (b) accord          (c) production  (d) dread
  1. "chances to do something"
(a) cycle                                          (b) wrinkle
(c) opportunities                           (d) century
  1. "a small town"
(a) replied                                      (b) immediately
(c) particularly                              (d) village
  1. "special rights; advantages; favours"
(a) finally           (b) squeeze        (c) frontier       (d) privileges
  1. "a person who practices art, such as drawing, or painting"
(a) dike               (b) artist            (c) Minutemen (d) stretching
  1. "frying pans"
(a) abolitionist  (b) skillets         (c) hours            (d) trunk
  1. "a soldier's housing"
(a) propeller     (b) cycle             (c) replied          (d) quarter
  1. "to get something by paying money"
(a) wavering     (b) squawk        (c) yawn             (d) buy
  1. "right now"
(a) cycle             (b) music           (c) century         (d) immediately
  1. "a part of the year"
(a) cousin          (b) season          (c) abolitionist  (d) authority
  1. "to make a person sure"
(a) short             (b) assure          (c) one                (d) consumer
  1. "friends in war"
(a) culprit          (b) canyon         (c) Parliament  (d) allies
  1. "a disease that affects the lungs"
(a) angry            (b) season          (c) pneumonia  (d) sarcastically
  1. "to move or cause to move in a circle"
(a) knit               (b) impatient    (c) turn               (d) feel
  1. "not long"
(a) short             (b) grown          (c) little              (d) almanac
  1. "unusual or different"
(a) unfurled      (b) allowance    (c) cover             (d) strange
  1. "compute or calculate, especially direction or distance"
(a) building       (b) anxiously     (c) reckon          (d) say
  1. "feeling or showing that you are not pleased about something"
(a) supply          (b) wrinkle        (c) short             (d) angry
  1. "using tricks to fool; sly"
(a) meadow       (b) tricky            (c) special         (d) opportunities
  1. "a small stream"
(a) brook                                         (b) prospecting
(c) attempt                                     (d) disaster
  1. "showing facts as they actually are"
(a) spread          (b) special         (c) greedy          (d) realistic
  1. "pictures made with paint"
(a) clever           (b) despair        (c) recovery       (d) paintings
  1. "ships"
(a) way               (b) vessels          (c) impatient     (d) stunned
  1. "to use warships to prevent ships from entering or leaving a harbor"
(a) poem            (b) blockade      (c) remarkable (d) adventure
  1. "A person  born later into a family or group."
(a) real               (b) stretching    (c) privileges     (d) descendant
  1. "nervously"
(a) leaves           (b) anxiously     (c) mechanical (d) our

1-d;  2-c;  3-d;  4-a;  5-b;  6-c;  7-d;  8-d;  9-b;  10-b;  11-d;  12-d;  13-d;  14-b;  15-b;  16-d;  17-c;  18-c;  19-a;  20-d;  21-c;  22-d;  23-b;  24-a;  25-d;  26-d;  27-b;  28-b;  29-d;  30-b