
Vocabulary Word Power Worksheet-46

Word Power Worksheet – 46


Choose the correct word for the given clue.

  1. "uniquely; exceptionally"

(a) sanctimonious                        (b) microbe      

(c) singularly                                 (d) equivocate


  1. "Substance used to destroy or stop growth of microorganisms"

(a) sumptuous  (b) strait            (c) biopsy           (d) antibiotic


  1. "persistent urgent demands"

(a) hardy                                        (b) importunity

(c) gorge                                         (d) meager


  1. "to walk with a pompous bearing, to display in order to impress others"

(a) strut              (b) devastate     (c) fluctuation  (d) infiltrate


  1. "Eating both vegetable and animal foods; Taking in everything available."

(a) omnivorous                            (b) oust             

(c) Magnetometer                       (d) paradoxical


  1. "a vague feeling of bodily discomfort; a general sense of unease"

(a) caricature   (b) malaise        (c) persistent    (d) gargoyle


  1. "to confine; surround"

(a) pugnacious                              (b) hoodwink

(c) inconclusive                            (d) hem


  1. "to cause to feel resentment or indignation, to provoke or arouse."

(a) homage        (b) subside        (c) myriad         (d) pique


  1. "marred by strident colour or excessive ornamentation; gaudy, glaring, flashy"

(a) incessant     (b) garish           (c) chronology  (d) crags


  1. "the physical property of a mineral that causes it to break with rough or jagged edges"

(a) palpable      (b) fracture       (c) exhort           (d) cell wall


  1. "most basic"

(a) setting          (b) hardy           (c) elemental    (d) tsunami


  1. "effective"

(a) efficacious   (b) luminous     (c) staid              (d) doggedly


  1. "marked by wildly irregular motion"

(a) turbulent     (b) demure        (c) avert             (d) fluctuation


  1. "instrument that detects and measures earthquake waves"

(a) seismograph                           (b) phantasm

(c) retch                                         (d) elemental


  1. "perplexing, baffling person or matter"

(a) chlorophyll (b) vitality          (c) enigma         (d) affluence


  1. "swing or move regularly back and forth"

(a) vivacious     (b) lacerated     (c) oscillate       (d) strut


  1. "lazily; with a poor attitude"

(a) decorum      (b) credible       (c) indolently    (d) biopsy


  1. "to pay respect to"

(a) decade         (b) homage       (c) evict              (d) pugnacious


  1. "The removal of living tissue for study"

(a) phantasm    (b) vitality          (c) biopsy           (d) barometer


  1. "believable"

(a) heterogeneous                        (b) rampart      

(c) credible                                    (d) emit


  1. "an obstacle or foil"

(a) gorge            (b) cell wall       (c) curtail          (d) impediment


  1. "point of view"

(a) lurid             (b) hoodwink    (c) cajole            (d) aspect


  1. "a momentary flash of light; a sparkle."

(a) glint              (b) audacious   (c) transient      (d) isthmus


  1. "exaggerated imitation of someone or something used to mock"

(a) caricature   (b) perfidy         (c) edifice          (d) edifice


  1. "given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk; wordy and rambling"

(a) craven          (b) oust              (c) garrulous     (d) incessant


  1. "one who researches and writes about the past"

(a) myriad                                      (b) alleviate

(c) dethronement                         (d) historian


  1. "very humid and hot"

(a) sultry                                        (b) aplomb

(c) rudimentary                            (d) rout


  1. "where and when a story takes place"

(a) setting          (b) nucleus        (c) impart          (d) century


  1. "perplexing, baffling person or matter"

(a) languish       (b) craven          (c) enigma         (d) instantaneous


  1. "something relating to death or disease"

(a) arduous       (b) century        (c) vivacious      (d) morbidity



1-c;  2-d;  3-b;  4-a;  5-a;  6-b;  7-d;  8-d;  9-b;  10-b;  11-c;  12-a;  13-a;  14-a;  15-c;  16-c;  17-c;  18-b;  19-c;  20-c;  21-d;  22-d;  23-a;  24-a;  25-c;  26-d;  27-a;  28-a;  29-c;  30-d