
Mix Review Worksheet-2

Mix Review Worksheet-2


  1. 43 × 52 × 22 = ?

A. 1,600             B. 400                C. 6,400             D. 640


  1. A bag of jellybeans costs Rs.14. How many bags of jellybeans can you buy with Rs.100?

A. 7                      B. 8                     C. 9                     D. 6


  1. Which type of graph would best compare the heights of 6 largest mountains in the world?

A. bar graph       B. line graph      C. circle graph  D. tally graph


  1. 45.09 ÷ 1.5 = ?

A. 30.15              B. 3.006             C. 35.6                D. 30.06


  1. A rectangle is 12 feet long and 14 feet wide. What is its perimeter?

A. 24 feet           B. 56 feet           C. 48 feet           D. 52 feet


  1. If a line through the points on the graph were extended, which point would be on the line?

A. (5, 20)           B. (7, 21)            C. (6, 30)           D. (7, 35)


  1. Which option shows five hundred thirty-two and three thousandths in standard form?

A. 53.2003        B. 532.03           C. 532,300        D. 532.003


  1. What is the area of the shaded portion shown below?

□ = 1 square foot

A. 20 square feet                           B. 18 square feet

C. 64 square feet                           D. 9 square feet


  1. The ratio of male to female employees at a company is 36:20. If the company has 80 female employees, find the number of male employees.

A. 160                 B. 140                 C. 144                 D. 50


  1. Which option shows 9 billion in standard form?

A. 900,000,000                          B. 9,000,000

C. 9,000,000,000                       D. 90,000,000


Answer Key:

(11)-C; (12)-A; (13)-A; (14)-B; (15)-D; (16)-B; (17)-D; (18)-B; (19)-C; (20)-C