
Animal Life Worksheet-10

Animal Life Worksheet-10


  1. Honeybees lay their eggs from _____.

A. January to February               B. October to December

C. July to September                   D. April to June.


  1. Study the following Venn diagram carefully.

Which letter represents the hen?

A. Y                     B. X                     C. Z                     D. R


  1. A student observed that birds sit on their eggs before the eggs are hatched into young ones. The reason is _____.

A. To protect the egg

B. To keep the egg warm

C. To hide the egg from others

D. It is customary for birds to sit on the eggs


  1. During the forth stage of metamorphosis, butterfly's pupa turn into _____.

A. Caterpillar    B. Adult              C. Egg                 D. Tadpole


  1. Which of the following parts of the body is not used to collect information?

A. Eye                 B. Nose               C. Ear                 D. Liver


  1. Animals that live in both land and water are called ______?

A. Dual animals                            B. Birds

C. Amphibians                              D. Tadpole


  1. Which type of animal has a waterproof skin?

A. Bird                B. Fish                C. Reptile           D. Insect


  1. Consumers like cow eat ______.

A. Decomposers                           B. Other consumers (like insects)

C. Producers (like grass)            D. Minerals

what is a food chain ?

  1. What part of animal's body makes its bones move?

A. Power            B. Muscle          C. Heart             D. Brain


10. The diagram given below shows the life cycle of the mosquito. What stages do S and T represent?



Answer Key:

(1)–B; (2)–A; (3)–B; (4)–B; (5)–D; (6)–C; (7)–C; (8)–C; (9)–B; (10)–B