
Pollution of air and water Worksheet-7

Pollution of air and water Worksheet-7


Short Question:

  1. What name is given to unwanted substances present in the air? What is smog?

  2. What harm is caused by the presence of CFCs?

  3. Discuss possible reasons of acid rain.

  4. Name some greenhouse gases? What is rain mixed with sulphuric acid called?

  5. Name three diseases caused by polluted water.

  6. How is suspended particulate matter harmful?

  7. Why has the Gangotri glacier in the Himalayas started melting?

  8. How does Ganga River get polluted?

  9. Why does the increased level of nutrients in the water affect the survival of aquatic organisms?

  10. What is eutrophication?

  11. Explain green house effect on plants.

  12. Write a short note on acid rain.

  13. How depletion of ozone occurs?


Answer in a Word:

  1. Name the protective blanket of air around earth.

  2. Does density of air decrease when a person moves away from the surface?

  3. What is the percentage concentration of carbon dioxide in atmosphere?

  4. What is the percentage volume point of nitrogen in air?

  5. What is percentage concentration of gaseous pollutant in environment?

  6. Which poisonous gas is produced during petrol or diesel combustion?

  7. Name the gas responsible for forming sulphuric acid in rain.

  8. Name the substance produced during reaction of hydrocarbons and oxides.

  9. Name the hazardous substance that causes ozone depletion.

  10. Which pollution is responsible for lung disease in Human?

  11. Which pollution is responsible for amoebic dysentery in Human?

  12. Name the green house gas also used during photosynthesis.

  13. Name the acids present in acid rain.

  14. Which sea is called Dead Sea due to excessive pollution?



  1. ::

  2. ::

  3. ::

  4. ::

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  7. ::

  8. ::

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  10. ::

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  13. ::

  14. Atmosphere

  15. Yes

  16. 0.03 %

  17. 78%

  18. 90%

  19. Carbon monoxide

  20. Sulphur dioxide

  21. Photochemical oxidants

  22. Chlorofluorocarbons

  23. Air pollution

  24. Water pollution

  25. Carbon dioxide

  26. Sulphuric acid and nitric acid

  27. Mediterranean Sea