
Reaching the age of adolescence Worksheet-5

Reaching the age of adolescence Worksheet-5


Multiple Responses:

  1. Select the changes occur during puberty-

(A) Formation of chromosomes

(B) Change in body shape

(C) Development of primary sexual characters

(D) Determination sex

(E) Increase in height


  1. What are the possible reasons of sudden increase in height in adolescent?

(A) Genes inherited from parents

(B) Elongation of bones of the arms and the legs

(C) Hard work during exams

(D) Nutritious food

(E) Practice of indoor activity


  1. Which of these are secondary sexual characters in boys?

(A) Shoulders broaden

(B) Region below the waist becomes wider

(C) Muscles of the body grow

(D) Low pitched voice

(E) Development of uterus and ovaries


  1. Which of these are secondary sexual characters in girls?

(A) Region below the waist becomes wider

(B) Muscles of the body grow

(C) Development of uterus and ovaries

(D) High pitched voice

(E) Intellectual development


  1. Which of these are exocrine glands?

(A) Thyroid gland                         (B) Pituitary gland

(C) Sebaceous gland                    (D) Sweat gland

(E) Adrenal gland                        (F) Salivary gland


  1. Which of these are endocrine glands?

(A) Pituitary gland                       (B) Sebaceous gland

(C) Salivary gland                        (D) Thyroid gland

(E) Sweat gland                            (F) Adrenal gland


  1. Which of these characters are controlled by estrogen?

(A) Intellectual development

(B) Breast development

(C) Growth of facial hair

(D) Development of ovum in ovaries

(E) Development of testes and penis


  1. What is true for sex determination?

(A) Sex of individual is controlled by 23rd pair of chromosomes

(B) Sex of individual is controlled by autosomes

(C) Sex of individual is controlled by mother

(D) Sex of individual is controlled by father

(E) Combination of X and Y chromosome results the development of baby boy


  1. What is true for female during puberty?

(A) Reproductive phase of life begins

(B) Ovum matures and is released once in about 28 to 30 days

(C) Formation of chromosomes

(D) First menstrual flow begins

(E) Development of sperms


  1. Find out the correct pair-

(A) Adrenal gland- helps the body to adjust to stress

(B) Pituitary hormone-development of breast

(C) Growth of facial hair-primary sexual characters

(D) Insulin- control the level of glucose

(E) Thyroxine-deficiency causes goiter


Answer key:

  1. B,E

  2. A,B,D

  3. A,C,D

  4. A,C,D

  5. C,D,F

  6. A,D,F

  7. B,D

  8. A,D,E

  9. A,B,D

  10. A,E