
Conjunctions Worksheet-2

Conjunctions Worksheet-2


Fill in the blank with the correct conjunction:

  1. He will not come to school today _____ he is ill.

A. So                   B. And                C. But                 D. As


  1. ______ this road is very long, we will reach late.

A. So                   B. For                 C. Since              D. And


  1. I cannot come today ______ I have a lot of work.

A. so                    B. Because         C. Though          D. And


  1. This is going to be difficult; ______, I shall try my best.

A. Because         B. Although       C. Though          D. Therefore


  1. The boy, _______ his friends, is coming to meet us.

A. And                B. Along with    C. But                 D. Though


  1. We started our journey _____ it stopped raining.

A. When             B. While             C. But                 D. If


  1. Sunita will stop crying ____ her brother returns her new pen.

A. Because         B. So                   C. As                   D. If


  1. You cannot come _____ you are asked to do so.

A. If                     B. Unless           C. Because         D. Since


  1. You are not feeling well _____ let us go to a doctor.

A. As                   B. Since              C. So                   D. Because


  1. She can come with us _____ go with Sunil.

A. And                B. But                 C. So                   D. Or


Answer Key:

  1. D

Explanation: Here the conjunction ‘as’ for giving reason is needed; hence this is used.


  1. C

Explanation: Here the conjunction ‘since’ for giving a reason is needed; hence this is used. 


  1. B

Explanation: Here the conjunction ‘because’ for giving reason is needed; hence this is used.


  1. D

Explanation: Here the conjunction ‘therefore’ for giving reason is needed; hence this is used.


  1. B

Explanation: Here the parts joined using ‘along with’ are parenthetical; hence this is used.


  1. A

Explanation: Here the conjunction ‘when’ for joining clauses is needed; hence this is used.


  1. D

Explanation: Here the conjunction for showing the condition ‘if’ is needed; hence this is used.


  1. B

Explanation: Here the conjunction for showing condition is needed; hence unless is used. (first part is a negation)


  1. C

Explanation: Here the conjunction for consequence is needed; hence ‘so’ is used.


  1. D

Explanation: Here the conjunction for choice is needed; hence ‘or’ is used.