
Degrees of comparison of adjectives Worksheet-5

Degrees of comparison of adjectives Worksheet-5


  1. Give the superlative degree of the given adjective: expensive

A. Expensivest                               B. Expensive

C. More expensive                        D. Most expensive


  1.  Give the comparative degree of the given adjective: Good

A. Gooder          B. Better            C. Goodest         D. Best


  1.  Give the superlative degree of the given adjective: Crazy

A. Crazier                                       B. Crazyest

C. Craziest                                      D. Most crazy


  1. Give the positive degree of the given adjective: Elder

A. Old                 B. Oldest            C. Eld                  D. Eldest


  1. Give the superlative degree of the given adjective: Tiny

A. Most tiny       B. Tinier             C. More tiny      D. Tiniest


  1. Give the comparative degree of the given adjective: Sad

A. Sader             B. Sadder           C. Sadier            D. Saddest


  1. Give the superlative degree of the given adjective: Juicy

A. Juiciest                                      B. Juicier

C. Most juicy                                  D. More juicy


  1. Give the positive degree of the given adjective: Windiest

A. Windier                                      B. Very windy

C. Windy                                         D. More windier


  1. Give the superlative degree of the given adjective: Thick

A. Thicker                                      B. Most thickest

C. More thicker                             D. Thickest


  1. Give the comparative degree of the given adjective: Thin

A. Thinner                                      B. More thinner

C. Most thinner                             D. Thinnest


  1. Give the superlative degree of the given adjective: Cunning

A. Cunninger                                 B. Most cunning

C. Cunningest                                D. More cunning


  1. Give the positive degree of the given adjective: Farthest

A. Farther          B. Further         C. Far                 D. Fur


Answer Key:

  1. D

Explanation: ‘Most expensive’ is the superlative degree of the given adjective.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Better’ is the comparative degree of the given adjective.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Craziest’ is the superlative degree of the given adjective.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Old’ is the degree of the given adjective.


  1. D

Explanation: ‘Tiniest’ is the superlative degree of the given adjective.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Sadder’ is the comparative degree of the given adjective.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Juiciest’ is the superlative degree of the given adjective.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Windy’ is the positive degree of the given adjective.


  1. D

Explanation: ‘Thickest’ is the superlative degree of the given adjective.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Thinner’ is the comparative degree of the given adjective.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Most cunning’ is the superlative degree of the given adjective.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Far’ is the positive degree of the given adjective.