
Conjunction Exercise–1 (Level-2)



Choose the sentence that has been joined appropriately with ‘AND’.

  1. Cows eat grass. Sheep eat grass.

a. Cows and sheep eat grass.

b. Cows eat and sheep eat grass.


  1. Sunil is in class II. Mona is in class II.

a. Sunil and Mona are in class II.

b. Sunil is in class II and Mona is in class II.


  1. Trains are vehicles. Cars are vehicles.

a. Trains and are vehicles cars.

b. Trains and cars are vehicles.


  1. The grass is green. The trees are green.

a. The grass trees and are green.

b. The grass and the trees are green.


  1. Children love burgers. Children love cookies.


a. Children and children love burgers, cookies.

b. Children love burgers and cookies.


  1. The diary is red. The roses are red.

a. The diary and roses are red.

b. The diary is and the roses are red.


  1. The tiger is a wild animal. The lion is a wild animal.

a. The tiger is wild and the lion is wild.

b. The tiger and the lion are wild animals.


  1. The man declared their leader. The girl declared their leader.

a. The man declared and the girl the leader.

b. The stars shine the moon and at night.


  1. The girl plays with leaves. The boy plays with leaves.

a. The man and the girl declared their leader.

b. The girl and the boy play with leaves.


  1. The stars shine at night. The moon shines at night.

a. The girl plays and the boy with leaves.

b. The stars and the moon shine at night.



  1. a

  2. a

  3. b

  4. b

  5. a

  6. a

  7. a

  8. a

  9. a

  10. b

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