
Degrees of comparison of adjectives Worksheet-4

Degrees of comparison of adjectives Worksheet-4


  1. Give the superlative degree of the given adjective: Small

A. Smaller         B. Smalliest       C. Smallest        D. Smelliest


  1. Give the comparative degree of the given adjective: Poor

A. Poorer                                        B. Poorest

C. More poor                                  D. Most poor


  1. Give the superlative degree of the given adjective: Costly

A. Costliest                                     B. Costlier

C. Most costly                                D. More costly


  1. Give the comparative degree of the given adjective: Kindest

A. Kinder           B. Kindlier         C. Kindly            D. Kind


  1. Give the superlative degree of the given adjective: Smart

A. Smarter                                     B. Most smart

C. More smart                               D. Smartest


  1. Give the comparative degree of the given adjective: Clever

A. Cleverer                                     B. Cleverest

C. More clever                               D. Most clever


  1. Give the positive degree of the given adjective: Hottest

A. Hot                 B. Hotter            C. Heat               D. Heater


  1. Give the comparative degree of the given adjective: Easy

A. Easyer                                        B. Easier

C. Easiest                                        D. More easy


  1. Give the superlative degree of the given adjective: Hard

A. Harder          B. Hardier         C. Hardiest        D. Hardest


  1. Give the positive degree of the given adjective: younger

A. Youngest                                    B. More young

C. Young                                         D. Very young


Answer Key:

  1. C

Explanation: ‘Smallest’ is the superlative degree of the given adjective.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Poorer’ is the comparative degree of the given adjective.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Costliest’ is the superlative degree of the given adjective.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Kinder’ is the comparative degree of the given adjective.


  1. D

Explanation: ‘Smartest’ is the degree of the given adjective.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Cleverest’ is the superlative degree of the given adjective.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Hot’ is the positive degree of the given adjective.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Easier’ is the comparative degree of the given adjective.


  1. D

Explanation: ‘Hardest’ is the superlative degree of the given adjective.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Young’ is the positive degree of the given adjective.