
Spell the word Worksheet-3

Spell the Word Worksheet-3


Choose the correct spelling of the word for the clue given.

  1. "to bend or crouch from fear" : ________

(A) cringed        (B) crinnged     (C) kringed        (D) crinegd


  1. "being in agreement or in harmony" : ________

(A) accurd         (B) acord           (C) accord         (D) ackord


  1. "to make a picture" : ________

(A) draw            (B) rdaw            (C) darw            (D) dra


  1. "to finish what is planned" : ________

(A) succeed       (B) suceed         (C) succead       (D) suckeed


  1. "give forth, produce" : ________

(A) yeild             (B) yield             (C) yielld            (D) yiel


  1. "thing being mentioned" : ________

(A) thiss             (B) thies             (C) tihs               (D) this


  1. "a public showing of how something works" : ________

(A) demunstration                       (B) demonstratoin

(C) demonnstration                     (D) demonstration


  1. "feeling or showing that you are not pleased about something" : ________

(A) angrie          (B) anngry         (C) angqry         (D) angry


  1. "a combination of things" : ________

(A) mix               (B) micks           (C) mivx             (D) mixv


  1. "refuse to buy" : ________

(A) boycott        (B) buycott        (C) boyco           (D) boicott


  1. "piece of grassy land often used as a pasture" : ________

(A) meaduw      (B) meadow      (C) meedow      (D) meado


  1. "a member of a country" : ________

(A) citizenn       (B) kitizen          (C) citizen          (D) citkizen


  1. "to have fun" : ________

(A) plaie             (B) pllay             (C) paly              (D) play


  1. "a ruler; king or queen" : ________

(A) munarch     (B) monnarch   (C) monarkh     (D) monarch


  1. "a small stream" : ________

(A) brooc           (B) bruok           (C) brook           (D) brok


  1. "object of ridicule" : ________

(A) laughingstk                             (B) laughingstc

(C) laughingstock                         (D) laughingstocc


  1. "lost; given up" : ________

(A) forfeited      (B) phorfeited   (C) furfeited      (D) forfieted


  1. "part of the horse's harness that fits over the head, including the bit and reins" : ________

(A) bridl             (B) bridlle          (C) birdle           (D) bridle


  1. "the flow of  water" : ________

(A) curent          (B) current        (C) currennt      (D) kurrent


  1. "chances to do something" : ________

(A) opportunities                          (B) upportunities

(C) opportuniteis                          (D) oportunities


  1. "to set free; to let go" : ________

(A) releesed       (B) releassed     (C) relleased     (D) released


  1. "being called or sent for" : ________

(A) summoned                              (B) summuned

(C) sumoned                                  (D) summonned


  1. "had the facts" : ________

(A) cnew            (B) knnew          (C) knew            (D) knewf


  1. "very happy" : ________

(A) dellighted   (B) deligted       (C) delighted     (D) delited


  1. "shocked; surprised" : ________

(A) stuned         (B) stunnned     (C) stunned       (D) sstunned


  1. "to move out of sight" : ________

(A) disapear      (B) disappeer    (C) disappear   (D) dissappear


  1. "a disease that affects the lungs" : ________

(A) pneumonia                              (B) pneumunia

(C) pneumoai                                (D) pnneumonia


  1. "at last" : ________

(A) phinally       (B) finally          (C) finaly           (D) finallie


  1. "nervously" : ________

(A) anxiuusly    (B) anxiuosly    (C) anxoiusly    (D) anxiously


  1. "a dessert food that is baked" : ________

(A) cace              (B) cak               (C) kake             (D) cake


  1. "the number before two" : ________

(A) on                 (B) une               (C) onne             (D) one


  1. "something that is given for a special reason, often by the government" : ________

(A) grannt         (B) grrant          (C) grant            (D) garnt


  1. "sailors" : ________

(A) marinners  (B) mariners     (C) marinerss   (D) marineres


  1. "not many" : ________

(A) phew            (B) few               (C) frw               (D) fe


  1. "not make believe" : ________

(A) reel               (B) reall             (C) real               (D) reil


  1. "not old" : ________

(A) nnew            (B) newz            (C) new              (D) enw


  1. "the way something or someone looks" : ________

(A) appearanc                               (B) appearance

(C) apearance                                (D) appeerance


  1. "Items used to put into a mixture." : ________

(A) ingredients                              (B) ingredeints

(C) inngredients                           (D) ingredientss


  1. "formal expressions of personal goals" : ________

(A) resulutions                              (B) resolutoins

(C) resolutions                              (D) resolutionns


  1. "colonists against the British" : ________

(A) Patriuts       (B) Patriots       (C) Patroits       (D) Patriotss


  1. "being aware" : ________

(A) cunscious    (B) consciuos    (C) conscoius    (D) conscious


  1. "The act of forcing people to do what you want." : ________

(A) uppression (B) oppression  (C) opression    (D) oppressoin


  1. "into and out of" : ________

(A) thruugh       (B) thruogh       (C) through       (D) thraugh


  1. "able to do things without letting others know; clever" : ________

(A) slie                (B) slly                (C) sly                 (D) ssly


  1. "make a home; to be alive" : ________

(A) live               (B) liv                 (C) llive              (D) live


  1. "to open the mouth wide and breathe deeply when tired" : ________

(A) yawnn          (B) yawn            (C) ywan            (D) yaywn


  1. "the part of the leg on which one walks" : ________

(A) foot               (B) phoot           (C) fuot              (D) fot


  1. "spreading out" : ________

(A) stretchinng                              (B) stretkhing

(C) stretching                                (D) sstretching


  1. "gotten bigger" : ________

(A) grown          (B) gruwn                   (C) grownn        (D) gown


  1. "piece of grassy land often used as a pasture" : ________

(A) meadow      (B) meaduw      (C) meedow      (D) meadrow



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