
Numbers Worksheet-15

Numbers Worksheet-15


  1. Positive of a negative integer is

(a) negative       (b) positive        (c) zero               (d) none


  1. Value of  124 × 4 – 3 + 118 ÷ 2

(a) 552                (b) 496               (c) 553                (d) –553


  1. Value of 1.8 + 3.4 ÷ 0.2 – 0.6 × 0.3

(a) 3.50              (b) –3.32           (c) 3.32              (d) 18.62


  1. While removing brackets the order in which the brackets are removed is

(a) [ ], ( ), { }                                  (b) { }, ( ), [ ]

(c) ( ), { }, [ ]                                  (d) None


  1. If negative sign precedes a bracket the sign of the terms inside the bracket will ____ when the bracket is removed.

(a) not change                               (b) change

(c) remain the same                    (d) none


  1. If positive sign precedes a bracket the sign of the terms inside the bracket will ______ when the bracket is removed.

(a) not change                               (b) Change

(c) be 0                                           (d) none


  1. 7 – [13 – {–2 – 6 (6 of –5)}]

(a) –172             (b) +180            (c) +172             (d) 0


  1. 15 of is

(a)                  (b)                (c) 3                    (d) –3


  1. 18 of [59 – {7 × 8 + (26 – 3 of 5)}]

(a) –188             (b) +144             (c) –144             (d) none


  1. 6 – [2 – {3 + (4 – 8)}]

(a) –3                 (b) +3                 (c) 0                    (d) 1


  1. Product of two integers with like signs is

(a) negative       (b) positive        (c) 0                    (d) none


  1. Product of two integers with unlike signs is

(a) negative       (b) 0                    (c) positive        (d) none


  1. In yc, y is called

(a) power           (b) exponent     (c) base              (d) alphabet


  1. In 89, 9 is

(a) power           (b) base              (c) number        (d) none


  1. The exponential form of 3 × 3 × 3 × 3

(a) 43                  (b) –33               (c) 34                   (d) 35


  1. The expanded form of a6 is

(a) a × 6                                         (b) a × a × a × a × a × a

(c) a × a × a × a × a                     (d) a + a + a + a + a + a


  1. If the exponent of a negative inte­ger is odd then the result is a ____ integer.

(a) positive        (b) negative       (c) 0                    (d) none


  1. If the exponent of a negative inte­ger is even, then the result is a _____ integer.

(a) positive        (b) negative       (c) 0                    (d) none


  1. Commutative property is satisfied in integers w.r.t.

(a) -, ÷                (b) –, ×              (c) +, –               (d) +, ×


  1. Multiplication is distributed over ____ and ____ in integer.

(a) -, ÷                (b) –, x               (c) +, -                (d) x, ÷


Answer Key:

(1)-(a); (2)-(a); (3)-(d); (4)-(c); (5)-(b); (6)-(a); (7)-(c); (8)-(c); (9)-(c); (10)-(b); (11)-(b); (12)-(a); (13)-(c); (14)-(a); (15)-(c); (16)-(b); (17)-(b); (18)-(a); (19)-(d); (20)-(c)