
Numbers Worksheet-21

Numbers Worksheet-21


  1. Compare 9848022335! 19848023435 using (>, <, =).

(a) <                    (b) >                   (c) =                    (d) none


  1. 1 billion =_______ crores.

(a) 1                     (b) 10                 (c) 100                (d) 1000


  1. Ten millions come under ______ period.

(a) crores           (b) lakhs            (c) thousands    (d) millions


  1. Place value and face value are always equal at

(a) 0                    (b) 1                    (c) any digit       (d) 10


  1. Numeral for sixty million and sixty six is

(a) 60000060                               (b) 60000066

(c) 6000066                                  (d) none


  1. 80808080 comes just after _______.

(a) 80808099                               (b) 80808081

(c) 80808079                               (d) none


  1. Number name for 900800700 is

(a) ninety crore eight lakhs and seven hundred

(b) nine crore eight lakhs and seven hundred

(c) ninety crore eighty lakhs and seven hundred

(d) ninety crore eight lakhs and seven


  1. Standard form of 900000000 + 3000 + 7 is

(a) 90003007                               (b) 900003007

(c) 900003000                            (d) none


  1. Difference of the smallest 6-digit number and the greatest 4-digit number is

(a) 1                     (b) 90000         (c) 90001           (d) 900001


  1. 9849475825 is written with commas as (International System)

(a) 9, 84, 94, 75, 825                   (b) 9, 849, 475, 825

(c) 9849, 475, 82, 5                     (d) 9, 8, 4, 9, 4, 7, 5, 8, 2, 5


  1. Choose the correct statement

(a) 85868788 > 85878688 > 85888687

(b) 85878688 > 85868788 > 85888687

(c) 85868788 > 85888687 > 85878688

(d) 85888687 > 85878688 > 85868788


  1. Face value of "3" in 31005660 is

(a) 3 crores       (b) 30 lakhs      (c) 3                    (d) none


  1. Difference between the place values of "3" in 3116365 is

(a) 2999700     (b) 3000700     (c) 2990700     (d) none


  1. The place which comes on immediate right to one million place in value chart is

(a) ten crores                                 (b) hundred thousands

(c) ten lakhs                                   (d) hundreds


  1. The number of zeroes that come after 1 for 10 crores is

(a) 6                    (b) 7                    (c) 8                    (d) 9


  1. Roman numeral for the greatest three digit number is

(a) IXIXIX         (b) CMIXIX      (c) CMXCIX     (d) CMIIC


  1. Roman numeral for the smallest four digit number is

(a) X                    (b) M                  (c) C                    (d) D


  1. Hindu-Arabic numeral for MCDXVIII is

(a) 1618              (b) 1405             (c) 1418              (d) 1481


  1. Numerals that can be repeated in Roman system are

(a) I, X and C                                 (b) I, V and X

(c) V, L and D                                (d) D


  1. Numerals that cannot be subtracted in Roman system are

(a) V, L and D                               (b) I, X and V

(c) C                                                (d) M


Answer Key:

(1)-(a); (2)-(c); (3)-(d); (4)-(a); (5)-(b); (6)-(c); (7)-(a); (8)-(b); (9)-(c); (10)-(b); (11)-(d); (12)-(c); (13)-(a); (14)-(b); (15)-(c); (16)-(c); (17)-(b); (18)-(c); (19)-(a); (20)-(a)