
Phrases and idioms

Phrases and idioms Worksheet


Pick the correct meaning of the following phrase/idiom:

  1. Pull someone's leg

A. To act smart                             B. To play a trick on someone

C. Hang-out with friends            D. To rescue someone


  1. Quite a few

A. Small number                          B. Hiding something

C. Working hard                           D. Large number


  1. Put on your thinking cap

A. Buy a cap                                   B. Do not think

C. Start thinking                           D. Put your cap on


  1. Chit-chat

A. Scream          B. Fuss               C. Smooth         D. Gossip


  1. Cloud nine

A. Sad                                              B. Happy

C. Black clouds                             D. Rain


  1. Catch on

A. Trap               B. Hit                  C. Understand  D. Hear


  1. Bell the cat

A. Put a bell on the cat                B. Show a bell to the cat

C. To listen carefully                   D. To do something risky


  1. Couch potato

A. A potato sitting on the couch

B. A smart person

C. A lazy person

D. A good day


  1. Let down

A. Disappointment                       B. Satisfaction

C. Sitting down                             D. Attack


  1. Keep in touch

A. Stay away                                  B. Be in contact

C. Touching something               D. Argue over something



  1. B

  2. D

  3. C

  4. D

  5. B

  6. C

  7. D

  8. C

  9. A

  10. B