
Prepositions Notes (Level-3)

Prepositions Notes [Level-3]


  1. The flag is IN the astronaut’s hand.


  1. The food is ON the tray.


  1. The cat is UNDER the tree.


  1. The gardener is BEHIND the hedge.


  1. The man is standing NEAR the snowman.


Definition of preposition

IN – ON – UNDER – Show position of one noun with respect to the other.

Definition of prepositions: Words that show the relation of one noun with the other are called prepositions.

  1. The girl is sitting ON the carpet.


  1. The girl is swimming IN the pool.


  1. The kitten is playing WITH the wool.


  1. The man is waiting AT the bus-stop.


Meanings of prepositions


ON = placed at the top (ON the couch)


UNDER = placed below (UNDER the tree)


IN = placed inside (IN the box)


NEAR = placed at a very small distance (NEAR the bottle)


AT = placed near (something) (sitting AT the table)


BEHIND = placed at the back (BEHIND the hills)


BESIDE = placed by the side (BESIDE the girl)

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