
Vocabulary Word Power Worksheet-1

Word Power Worksheet – 1

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Choose the correct word for the given clue.
  1. "planning and building roads, bridges, buildings and machines"
(a) repealed      (b) replied         (c) music           (d) engineering
  1. "pleased or delighted; magical"
(a) privileges     (b) enchanted   (c) turn               (d) cover
  1. "meeting of representatives who have the authority to make decisions"
(a) disaster        (b) rights           (c) yawn             (d) congress
  1. "creeping or crawling, with the face to the ground "
(a) hours            (b) adventure    (c) grovelling    (d) relatives
  1. "to place"
(a) here                                           (b) immediately
(c) delighted                                  (d) put
  1. "spreading out"
(a) unfurled      (b) stretching    (c) consumer    (d) boycott
  1. "hide under something"
(a) resolutions  (b) gallop           (c) disaster        (d) cover
  1. "to shrink back, as if in fear"
(a) Parliament  (b) succeed        (c) knit               (d) cringe
  1. "not having good sense"
(a) foolish         (b) prospecting (c) weaving       (d) authority
  1. "in danger of dying out"
(a) culprit         (b) mother         (c) sensation     (d) endangered
  1. "long periods of time; periods of sixty minutes each"
(a) flustered      (b) heads           (c) summoned  (d) hours
  1. "certain direction or path"
(a) request         (b) satisfied       (c) way               (d) weaving
  1. "the flow of water"
(a) current         (b) allowance    (c) transfixed    (d) cycle
  1. "not able to walk well"
(a) lame             (b) postcards    (c) ingredients  (d) weather
  1. "to stretch out"
(a) request         (b) full                (c) spread          (d) stretching
  1. "a member of a country"
(a) spread          (b) trunk            (c) citizen           (d) knew
  1. "to wait with fear"
(a) dread            (b) conscious    (c) soft                (d) skillets
  1. "a return to being well"
(a) recovery       (b) grown          (c) tariff             (d) ridiculous
  1. "a ruler; king or queen"
(a) proud           (b) clever           (c) monarch      (d) wavering
  1. "awful; terrible"
(a) disappear    (b) horrible       (c) pneumonia  (d) mix
  1. "shut in on all sides"
(a) abolitionist  (b) thought        (c) surround     (d) artist
  1. "sailors"
(a) sturdy                                        (b) immediately
(c) represent                                  (d) mariners
  1. "to know by touch "
(a) authority     (b) forfeited      (c) repealed       (d) feel
  1. "a strong sense of what you want to do"
(a) cautiously                                (b) determination
(c) immediately                            (d) nectar
  1. "soldiers who could be ready in one minute"
(a) hungry                                      (b) Minutemen
(c) cringe                                        (d) opportunities
  1. "an instrument or tool"
(a) bullying       (b) rights           (c) device           (d) hungry
  1. "into and out of"
(a) attempt        (b) taxes             (c) through        (d) transfixed
  1. "A set of events that keep happening over and over."
(a) cycle             (b) proud           (c) spread          (d) trance
  1. "confused or upset"
(a) flustered      (b) relatives       (c) Minutemen (d) sitting
  1. "unfolded"
(a) dike               (b) unfurled      (c) brilliant        (d) remarkable
1-d;  2-b;  3-d;  4-c;  5-d;  6-b;  7-d;  8-d;  9-a;  10-d;  11-d;  12-c;  13-a;  14-a;  15-c;  16-c;  17-a;  18-a;  19-c;  20-b;  21-c;  22-d;  23-d;  24-b;  25-b;  26-c;  27-c;  28-a;  29-a;  30-b