
Mixed Review Worksheet-7


(1)     What is the geometric name for this figure?


          A. Pentagon      B. Hexagon       C. Octagon        D. Cylinder


(2)    What shape does this figure represent?


          A. Cone              B. Pentagon      C. Sphere          D. Cylinder


(3)    What is the geometric name for this figure?


          A. Sphere           B. Cube            C. Cone              D. Pentagon


(4)    What is the geometric name for this figure?


          A. Hexagon       B. Octagon        C. Rectangle     D. Pentagon


(5)    What shape does the STOP sign represent?

         STOP sign represent

          A. Octagon        B. Hexagon       C. Pentagon      D. Cone


(6)    Which shape will come next in the pattern?


          A. pattern               B. pattern              C. pattern              D. None


(7)    What fraction of the square is colored green?


          A. 1/4                B. 1/3                C. 1/2                 D. 3/4


(8)    Which shape will come next in the pattern?

         Which shape will come next in the pattern

          A. shape                   B. shape              C. shape               D. shape


(9)    Which two bars are biggest in the given picture?


          A. A and B        B. B and D         C. B and C         D. D and B


(10)  What is the length of the cell phone shown below?


          A. 3 inches         B. 4.5 inches     C. 4 inches         D. 3.5 inches



(1)–C; (2)–C; (3)–C; (4)–D; (5)–A; (6)–B; (7)–C; (8)–D; (9)–C; (10)–C