
Antonyms Study Notes-7

Antonyms Worksheet-7


  1. blunt × sharp

blunt – describes a pencil, knife, etc. that is not sharp, and therefore not able to write, cut, etc. well

example – This knife is too blunt to cut anything.

sharp – having a thin edge or point which can cut something or make a hole in something

example – I need a sharp pencil for this type of drawing.


  1. bright × dull

bright – full of light, shining

example – Her eyes were bright with happiness.

dull – not interesting or exciting in any way; boring

example – Yesterday’s party was dull and uninteresting.


  1. broad × narrow

broad – very wide

example – The minister’s bodyguard was tall, broad and muscular.

narrow – having a small distance from one side to the other

example – There was a narrow lane between the two buildings.


  1. deep × shallow

deep – extending far down from the top or surface

example – Kiran has a deep cut in her finger.

shallow – of little depth

example – Shaunak was playing at the shallow end of the swimming pool.


  1. early × late

early – happening or done before the usual or expected time

example – The plane landed 20 minutes early.

late – after the usual, agreed, or expected time

example – Our flight arrived an hour later.


  1. easy × difficult

easy – not difficult; needing little effort

example – I am planting those vegetables in my kitchen garden that are easy to grow.

difficult – needing skill or effort; not easy

example – To read your writing is a very difficult task.


  1. entrance × exit

entrance – a door, gate, etc. by which you can enter a building or place

example – The entrance to the museum was decorated with beautiful flowers.

exit – a way out of a building, room, or passenger vehicle

example – There is a fire exit on alternate floors of the hotel.


  1. fresh × stale

fresh –  new; different or another

example – We should eat plenty of fresh fruits daily.

stale – no longer new or fresh, usually as a result of being kept for too long

example – The bread in the fridge is old and stale.


  1. friend × enemy

friend – a person who you know well and who you like and trust

example – I have many friends but Vaishali is the best.

enemy – a person who hates or opposes another person and tries to harm them 

example – He’s made a lot of enemies at work.


  1. smooth × rough

smooth – completely flat and even, without any lumps, holes or rough areas.

example – The baby’s skin is very smooth.

rough – not even or smooth, often because of being in bad condition

example – We climbed a rough mountain.