
Antonyms Study Notes-9

Antonyms Worksheet-9


  1. allow × prohibit

allow – to give permission

example – My mother allowed me to stay out late for combine studies.

prohibit – to not allow something

example – Smoking is prohibited in the school building.


  1. simple × complicated

simple – easy to understand or do

example – The questions were all quite simple.

complicated – difficult to understand

example – Teacher asked us to solve a very complicated problem.


  1. spend × earn

spend –  to give money as a payment for something

example – I spend too much time in getting ready.

earn – to receive money as payment for work that you do

example – I want to earn a lot of money.


  1. fail × succeed

fail – to not succeed in what you are trying to achieve or are expected to do

example – The crops have failed because of lack of rain.

succeed – to achieve something that you have been aiming for

example – If you try hard, you’ll succeed.


  1. famous × unknown

famous – known and recognized by many people

example – Jaipur is famous for its heritage and culture.

unknown – not known or familiar

example – The cause of his disease is unknown.


  1. wealth × poverty

wealth – a large amount of money or valuable possessions that someone has

example – Shrey inherited his father’s wealth.

poverty – the condition of being extremely poor

example – He has lived in poverty all his life.


  1. presence × absence

presence – when someone or something is in a place

example – Saumya’s presence is needed at the meeting.

absence –  when someone is not where they are usually expected to be

example – My absence was noted by my friends.


  1. always × never

always – all the time or forever

example – She always arrives late.

never – not at any time or not on any occasion

example – My brother never lets me ride his car.


  1. answer × question

answer – a reaction to a question, letter, telephone call, etc.

example – I’ll try to answer all the questions in the test.

question – a sentence or phrase used to find out information

example – I hope the lawyer don’t ask any awkward questions.


  1. agree × disagree

agree –  to have the same opinion, or to accept a suggestion or idea

example – She agreed to the plan.

disagree – to not have the same opinion, idea, etc.; to not agree

example – The principal disagree with the teachers’ arguments.


  1. beginning × ending

beginning – the first part of something or the start of something

example – I don’t want to miss the beginning of the movie.

ending – the last part of a story

example – His movies usually have a happy ending.


  1. better × worse

better – comparative of good; of a higher standard, or more suitable, pleasing or effective than other things or people

example – Her today’s work is better than usual.

worse – comparative of bad; more unpleasant, difficult or severe than before or than something else that is also bad

example – The weather is worse than last year.


  1. lend × borrow

lend –  to give something to someone for a short period of time, expecting it to be given back

example – Can you lend me your book please?

borrow – take and use something with the intention of returning it

example – Members can borrow up to 5 books from the library at a time.


  1. best × worst

best – of the highest quality, or being the most suitable, pleasing or effective type of thing or person

example – Sachin is the best player of the team.

worst – superlative of bad; of the lowest quality, or the most unpleasant, difficult or severe

example – They were all very bad but Punam behaved worst of all.


  1. brave × coward

brave – showing no fear of dangerous or difficult things

example – The Indian soldiers are very brave.

coward – a person who is too eager to avoid danger, difficulty or pain

example – Ranbir is a real coward when it comes to going to the principal’s office.