
Prepositions Worksheet-4

Prepositions Worksheet-4


Fill in the blank with the correct preposition:

  1. Where is Sheila? She is sitting ____ the dining table having lunch.

A. On                  B. By                   C. At                    D. In


  1. William is going ____ plane to Andaman.

A. In                    B. By                   C. On                  D. With


  1. We always sit _____ the trees to have our snacks during recess.

A. On                  B. Under            C. In                    D. Through


  1. Is there any sugar ___ the sugar bin?

A. In                    B. Into                C. Through        D. From


  1. Our exam starts _____ April.

A. To                   B. On                  C. Through        D. In


  1. The cat jumped _____ the table and stole a biscuit.

A. Into                B. In                    C. On                  D. Onto


  1. The trained dog jumped _____ all the hurdles quite easily.

A. By                   B. On                  C. Over               D. Under


  1. Look at the cat happily basking ____ the sun.

A. Inside            B. Into                C. By                   D. In


  1. The story of the novel is not at all relevant ____ its title.

A. With               B. To                   C. By                   D. In


  1. Whoever sees the film ‘A Wednesday’ marvels ____ its great storyline.

A. By                   B. For                 C. At                    D. In


Answer Key:

  1. C

Explanation: ‘At’ is used to show position.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘By’ is used to show the mode of transport like ‘plane.’


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Under’ is used to show the place that is below something.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘In’ is always used to show a position of ‘inside.’


  1. D

Explanation: ‘In’ is always used when talking about the duration of a month.


  1. D

Explanation: ‘Onto’ shows motion: from down to up.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Over’ is always used when the action of ‘going from one side to the other from top without touching’ is meant.


  1. D

Explanation: ‘Basking’ is always followed by the preposition ‘in.’


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Relevant’ is always followed by the preposition ‘to.’


  1. C

Explanation: ‘To marvel’ is always followed by the preposition ‘at.’