
Numbers Worksheet-27

Numbers Worksheet-27


  1. Negative whole numbers like −1, −2, −3...... are called ____.

(a) Positive numbers                   (b) Positive integers

(c) Negative integers                   (d) Negative numbers


  1. The absolute value of an integer is its distance _____.

(a) from 1 on the number line

(b) from −1 on the number line

(c) from 10 on the number line

(d) from zero on the number line


  1. Which one of the following is the largest number given?

(a) 6                    (b) −6                 (c) 9                    (d) −10


  1. An integer is 3 more than −3. What is that integer?

(a) 0                    (b) 6                    (c) −6                 (d) 1


  1. Arrange 0, −2, 9, 3, −4 and 8 in ascending order.

(a) 0, −2, 3, −4, 8, 9                    (b) −4, −2, 0, 3, 8, 9

(c) 8, 9, 3, −4, −2, 0                    (d) 0, −2, 3, −4, 9, 8


  1. What are the Integers between −2 and 5?

(a) 0, −2, −3, −4, 5                      (b) −2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

(c) −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4                        (d) −1, 2, 3, 4, 5


  1. Which expression is CORRECT?

(a) −6 < −8       (b) −6 = −8       (c) −8 > −6       (d) −6 > −8


  1. The numerical value of integers, regardless of its sign is called ____.

(a) Positive integers                     (b) Negative integers

(c) Absolute value                        (d) Absolute positive integers


  1. The sum of two integers is ______.

(a) Always a positive integer     (b) Always a negative integer

(c) Natural number                     (d) Always an integer


  1. If a and b are two integers, then a + b = ______.

(a) a – b             (b) b + a             (c) a × b             (d)


  1. What is the Absolute value of +14?

(a) 14                  (b) 0                    (c) 1                     (d) −14


  1. The sum of (+48) + (−69) = ____.

(a) +21               (b) −21               (c) 21                  (d) none


  1. What is the largest negative integer in the Number System?

(a) 0                    (b) −1                  (c) −100,000    (d) Does not exist


  1. What is the corresponding negative integer for 100,001?

(a) +100,001    (b) 100,001       (c) −100,001     (d) 0


  1. Which symbol will make the following number sentence correct?

–65 + (–45) ◻ (–120) + 35

(a) >                    (b) =                  (c) <                    (d) None of these


  1. What is the predecessor of −4?

(a) −5                 (b) 5                    (c) −3                 (d) 3


  1. 0 − 126 = _____.

(a) 126                (b) 0                    (c) −126             (d) +126


  1. An irrational number can not be expressed as a _____.

(a) Decimal       (b)                (c) Fraction       (d) Negative number


  1. Which of the following numbers is sometimes called Pythagoras's constant?

(a) 1                     (b)                 (c)                 (d) 3.14


  1. Find the correct statement out of the following options.

(a) In decimal form irrational numbers repeats.

(b) In decimal form irrational numbers terminate.

(c) In decimal form irrational numbers either repeat or terminate.

(d) In decimal form irrational numbers do not repeat or terminate.


Answer Key:

(1)-(c); (2)-(d); (3)-(c); (4)-(a); (5)-(b); (6)-(c); (7)-(d); (8)-(c); (9)-(d); (10)-(b); (11)-(a); (12)-(b); (13)-(b); (14)-(c); (15)-(c); (16)-(a); (17)-(c); (18)-(c); (19)-(c); (20)-(d)