
Mixed applications worksheet-4





  1. What does greater than mean?

a. the same        b. less                 c. smaller           d. bigger


  1. What does less than mean?

a. equal              b. smaller          c. bigger             d. opposite


  1. What number is missing?

8 + ___ = 11

a. 3                      b. 4                      c. 6                      d. 10


  1. Which number is greater than 74?

a. 17                    b. 42                             c. 68                    d. 78


  1. Which number sentence is true?

a. 38 is greater than 32

b. 32 is greater than 38

c. 38 is equal to 32

d. 38 is less than 32


  1. Write the number of tens and ones for each number.

a. 19 = ____ten(s) and ___ one(s)

b. 11 =____ ten(s) and ____one(s)


  1. Which of the following addition fact is same as 10 + 1  ?

a. 8 + 2                                  b. 5 + 4

c. 9 + 2                         d. 6 + 2


  1. What happens when you add zero to any number?

a. You get the same number.

b. You get a number that is less.

c. You get 1 more than that number.

d. You get a number that is greater.


  1. Tomorrow is Sunday. What day is today?

a. Friday                                         b. Monday

c. Saturday                                     d. Wednesday


  1. My friend and I would like to see who can jump the farthest. After jumping, we use a tape measure. What will this tell us?

a. temperature                              b. length

c. weight                                         d. time

Answers :


  1. D
  2. B
  3. A
  4. D
  5. A
  6. A. 1 ten and 9 ones B. 1 ten and 1 one
  7. C
  8. A
  9. C
  10. b