
Geometry Worksheet-7

Geometry Worksheet-7


  1. Area of a square is given

(a) side × side   (b) 3 × side        (c) side × 4        (d) none


  1. Area of a rectangle is

(a) length × breadth                    (b) length × 4

(c) 3 × length                                (d) breadth × 6


  1. Perimeter of a square whose side measures 4 m is

(a) 16 m             (b) 16 cm           (c) 4 m               (d) 12 m


  1. Area of a square whose side measures 13 m is

(a) 9 m               (b) 9 sq m          (c) 169 sq m      (d) 169 m


  1. Area of a rectangle whose length is 13 m and breadth is 12 m is

(a) 156 m           (b) 156 cm         (c) 156 sq m      (d) none


  1. If the length and breadth of a rectangle are doubled then its perimeter is

(a) tripled          (b) doubled       (c) made half    (d) none


  1. Area of a rectangle is 120 sq m and the breadth is 5 m. Then its length is

(a) 204 m          (b) 24 m             (c) 28 m             (d) 26 m


  1. Area of square is 144 sq m. Its side measures

(a) 13 m             (b) 14 m             (c) 12 m              (d) 11 m


  1. The length of a rectangular hall is 16 metres. If it can be partitioned into two equal square rooms, what is the length of the partition?

(a) 16 m             (b) 8 m               (c) 4 m               (d) 32 m


  1. The length of a rectangle is  of its breadth. If its perimeter is 132 m, its area will be ...........

(a) 1,080 m2     (b) 640 m2        (c) 1,620 m2      (d) 2,160 m2


  1. When the perimeter and area of a square are numerically equal, then the numerical value of its side is

(a) 1                     (b) 2                    (c) 4                    (d) 8


  1. The side of a square tile is 10 cm. How many tiles can be fixed on one side of a wall which is 2.5 m long and 2 m high?

(a) 100               (b) 400               (c) 5000             (d) 500


  1. The amount of surface enclosed by a closed plane figure is called its ............

(a) area                                           (b) perimeter

(c) volume                                      (d) none


  1. Find the area of the figure shown below.

(a) 9 sq cm        (b) 10 sq cm      (c) 11 sq cm       (d) 15 sq cm


Answer Key:

(1)-(a); (2)-(a); (3)-(a); (4)-(c); (5)-(c); (6)-(b); (7)-(b); (8)-(c); (9)-(b); (10)-(a); (11)-(c); (12)-(d); (13)-(a); (14)-(c)