
Numbers Worksheet-30

Numbers Worksheet-30


  1. If 'a', 'b' and 'c' are whole numbers, then the property (a × b) × c = a × (b × c) is?

(a) Commutative property         (b) Associative property

(c) Closure property                    (d) Distributive property


  1. Which is the smallest 6 digit number ending in 6?

(a) 666,666       (b) 999,996       (c) 123,456        (d) 100,006


  1. Which operation is done first in an order of operation?

(a) Multiplication                         (b) Division

(c) Bracket or Parenthesis         (d) Subtraction


  1. What is the greatest whole number?

(a) 100               (b) 9                    (c) 10                  (d) can’t say.


  1. What is the smallest 6 digit number that can be formed by the digits 8,1,6,5,9 and 2?

(a) 251,689       (b) 512,689       (c) 125,689        (d) 156,289


  1. Solve: 98,775 × 92 + 8 × 98,775

(a) 19,878,920                              (b) 1,887,999

(c) 8,988,400                               (d) 9,877,500


  1. Which of the following combinations is incorrect for 15 × 75?

(a) 1050 + 75                                 (b) 15 × 70 + 15 × 5

(c) 15 × (70 + 5)                            (d) 70 × 5 + 15 × 5


  1. Which of these is neither a prime nor a composite number?

(a) 3                    (b) 0                    (c) 2                    (d) 1


  1. Which of the following numbers is the lowest prime number?

(a) 0                    (b) 3.14              (c) 2                    (d) 3


  1. Which is a rational number?

(a) 25.22            (b) −.007           (c) −132             (d) all of these


  1. Sum of a rational number and irrational number is ______ number.

(a) a rational                                 (b) an irrational

(c) a non                                         (d) an infinite


  1. Which is the lowest whole number?

(a) 1                     (b) 10                  (c) 2                    (d) 0


  1. Identify the irrational number.

(a) 891.37                                       (b) 102.820903851178897100

(c) 0.8333...                                   (d) 0.636363


  1. Which statement is correct?

(a) p is a natural number            (b) p is a prime number

(c) p is a rational number           (d) p is a irrational number


  1. What is the set of positive numbers, '0' and negative numbers called?

(a) Rational numbers                  (b) Irrational numbers

(c) Integers                                    (d) Natural numbers


  1. Which number is neither positive nor negative?

(a) 0                    (b) 10                  (c) 2                    (d) 1


  1. Which numbers in decimal form do not repeat in a pattern or terminate?

(They go forever infinity)

(a) Natural numbers                   (b) Rational numbers

(c) Whole numbers                     (d) Irrational numbers


Answer Key:

(1)-(b); (2)-(d); (3)-(c); (4)-(d); (5)-(c); (6)-(d); (7)-(d); (8)-(d); (9)-(c); (10)-(d); (11)-(b); (12)-(d); (13)-(b); (14)-(d); (15)-(c); (16)-(a); (17)-(d)