
Past perfect tense Exercise-2

Exercise – 2


Read this story and fill the gaps.

Ravi was very tired because he (1 worked) ____ hard all day. He fell asleep on the train to his home and did not wake up until after the train (2 reach) ____ the last station.

Ravi got off the train.

He felt hungry because he (3 not eat) ____ since breakfast so he went into a hamburger restaurant.

After he (4 finish) ____ his meal, he talked to the waitress. Her name was Rosy.

He waited until she (5 finish) ____ work and then they went to the cinema.

Rosy was very shy because she (6 have) ____ never ____ a boyfriend before.

Ravi was very shy because he (7 see) ____ never ____ such a beautiful girl before.

But they agreed to meet again. Ravi decided to stay there because he (8 fall) ____ in love with Rosy.

After a year (9 pass) ____ they got married.

It was lucky that Ravi (10 fall) ____ asleep on the train home, wasn't it?



  1. had worked

  2. had reached

  3. had not eaten

  4. had finished

  5. had finished

  6. had, had

  7. had, seen

  8. had fallen

  9. had passed

  10. had fallen


Now answer these questions based on the previous passage. Use a Past Perfect verb in each answer.

  1. Why was Ravi tired?

Because he had worked hard, all day.

  1. When did he wakeup?


  1. Why did he feel hungry?


  1. When did he talk to the waitress?


  1. When did they go to the cinema?


  1. Why was Rosy shy?




  1. Because he had worked hard, all day.

  2. He woke up after the train had reached the last station.

  3. He felt hungry because he had not eaten anything since breakfast.

  4. He talked to the waitress after he had finished his meal.

  5. They went to the cinema after Rosy had finished her work.

  6. She was shy because she had never had a boyfriend before.