
Prepositions Worksheet-8

Prepositions Worksheet-8


  1. The weather was beautiful _______ yesterday.

A. in                                                 B. on

C. at                                                 D. Nothing is required


  1. I will see you _______ tomorrow morning.

A. in                                                 B. on

C. at                                                 D. Nothing is required


  1. The 8.15 train started _______ time. (It started at 8.15.)

A. in                                                 B. In good

C. on                                                D. None of these


  1. I will meet you at 7 : 30. Please be ______ time.

A. in                                                 B. In good

C. on                                                D. None of these


  1. The conference was well organized. Everything began and finished ______ time.

A. in                                                 B. In good

C. on                                                D. None of these


  1. Passengers should be_______ time for their train.

A. in                                                 B. In good

C. on                                                D. None of these


  1. I arrived at the concert hall _______ time (for the concert). (The concert began at 7.30 and I arrived at 7.15.)

A. in                                                 B. In good

C. on                                                D. None of these


  1. Will you be home _______ time for dinner?

A. in                                                 B. In good

C. on                                                D. None of these


  1. I’m in a hurry. I want to be home _______ time to see the match on television.

A. in                                                 B. In good

C. on                                                D. None of these


  1. ______ the beginning of a book there is often a table of contents.

A. at                                                 B. in

C. on                                                D. None of these


  1. _______ the end of the book there may be an index.

A. at                                                 B. in

C. on                                                D. None of these


  1. I am going away _______ the end of January.

A. at                                                 B. in

C. on                                                D. None of these


  1. _______ the end of the concert, there was a great applause.

A. at                                                 B. in

C. on                                                D. None of these


  1. I am going away ______the beginning of the January.

A. at                                                 B. in

C. on                                                D. None of these


  1. ______ the beginning we used hand tools. Later we had machines.

A. at                                                 B. in

C. on                                                D. None of these


  1. At first he opposed the marriage, but ________ the end he gave his consent.

A. at                                                 B. in

C. on                                                D. None of these


  1. We had a lot of problem with our car. We sold it ______ the end.

A. at                                                 B. in

C. on                                                D. None of these


  1. He got more and more angry _______ the end he just walked out of the room.

A. at                                                 B. in

C. on                                                D. None of these


  1. Arun couldn’t decide where to for his holidays. He didn’t go anywhere ______  the end.

A. at                                                 B. in

C. on                                                D. None of these


  1. ______  first we didn’t go on very well, but in the end we became good friends.

A. at                                                 B. in

C. on                                                D. None of these


Answer Key:

  1. D

  2. D

  3. C

  4. C

  5. C

  6. A

  7. B

  8. A

  9. A

  10. A

  1. A

  2. A

  3. A

  4. A

  5. B

  6. B

  7. B

  8. B

  9. B

  10. A