
Prepositions worksheet-1

Prepositions Worksheet-1


  1. Could you please return those books _____ Thursday?

A. from               B. since              C. by                   D. to


  1. I was away _____ two weeks.

A. from               B. by                             C. at                              D. for


  1. Your pictures will be ready _____ Sunday.

A. by                   B. since              C. for                  D. from


  1. I have not visited them _____ 2001.

A. for                  B. by                             C. from               D. since


  1. Classes will start _____ tomorrow.

A. for                  B. since              C. from               D. none of these


  1. I studied French ______ five years.

A. by                   B. for                  C. at                              D. from


  1. Susan has just arrived ______ London.

A. from               B. for                  C. since              D. by


  1. I have been learning piano ______ I was five years old.

A. by                   B. from               C. on                   D. since


  1. Harish was standing ______ the window.

A. for                  B. by                             C. since              D. from


  1. I bought this rug ______ India.

A. by                   B. for                  C. from               D. since



  1. C

  2. D

  3. A

  4. D

  5. C

  6. B

  7. A

  8. D

  9. B

  10. C