
Vocabulary worksheet-5

Vocabulary Worksheet-5


Choose the correct option for given clue:

  1. A mistake is.

(a) something that is not done right

(b) a great surprise

(c) a person who works in a library

(d) willing to wait


  1. Calm means.

(a) something that is not done right

(b) a person who helps

(c) a person who works in a library

(d) to make quiet and still


  1. An assistant is.

(a) to make quiet and still

(b) a person who works in a library

(c) willing to wait

(d) a person who helps


  1. Which of the following groups of words is in alphabetical order.

(a) prize, puppet, plant, piece

(b) piece, plant, prize, puppet

(c) plant, puppet, piece, prize

(d) puppet, prize, plant, piece


  1. Courageously, majestically

(a) gallantly      (b) amber          (c) spacious       (d) none of these


  1. A librarian is.

(a) a person who helps                (b) a person who works in a library

(c) willing to wait                         (d) a great surprise


  1. Amazement means.

(a) a person who helps                (b) to make quiet or still

(c) great surprise                          (d) a person who works in a library


  1. Patient means.

(a) willing to wait                         (b) a person who works in a library

(c) a great surprise                      (d) something that is not done right


  1. Roomy

(a) big                 (b) spacious      (c) gallantly       (d) none of these


  1. People standing together for a purpose such as ; to protect  our country.

(a) Brotherhood                            (b) Friends

(c) Superheroes                            (d) none of these


Answers :

  1. a
  2. d
  3. d
  4. b
  5. a
  6. b
  7. c
  8. a
  9. b
  10. a