
Vocabulary worksheet-9

Vocabulary Worksheet-9


  1. Which of the following is an antonym for "small?"

(a) tiny               (b) little              (c) big                 (d) pretty


  1. Which word means the same as "burst" in the sentence below?
    "Sarika and Amita burst out of their house to get to the car first."

(a) they walked slowly out the house

(b) they hurried out of the door

(c) they broke the door

(d) none of these


  1. Which of the following is an antonym for "noisy?"

(a) loud              (b) hot                (c) quiet             (d) fun


  1. Which word means the same as "leap" in the sentence below?
    "The can leap from tree to tree."

(a) drop              (b) jump            (c) walk              (d) wave


  1. Aashish is a vegetarian. That means he doesn't eat meat. Aashish went to a party where they had lots of choices of food. Aashish will probably choose .

(a) chicken Biriyani                     (b) roasted chicken

(c) Salad Sandwich                      (d) hamburger

  1. Choose the best answer.

is a synonym for good.

(a) excellent      (b) terrible        (c) bad                (d) boring


  1. Replace the capitalized word in the sentence.

Mary is going on a TRIP with her parents.

(a) Fortune                                    (b) Journey

(c) Opportunity                            (d) Bewilder


  1. An opportunity means

(a) a chance for something        (b) a strong point

(c) a large amount of money     (d) to confuse


  1. The Smith's have a large home, nice cars, and lots of money.

What word best describes the Smith's

(a) adventure    (b) fortune         (c) old                 (d) journey


  1. An exciting event or experience is an example of:

(a) an advantage                           (b) prosperity

(c) an adventure                           (d) delight


  1. To Bewilder is to

(a) amaze or confuse                   (b) please greatly

(c) take a trip                                 (d) cook and egg


  1. Which verb best completes the sentence?

The baby last night.

(a) is crying       (b) cries             (c) cried             (d) will cry


  1. Which verb best completes the sentence?

Maya her best on her last test.

 (a) try                (b) tries              (c) tried              (d) trying


  1. Which word best completes the sentence?

Tina how to multiply last year.

(a) learned        (b) learning       (c) learn             (d) will learn


  1. A store that sells a lot of goods is a sign of prosperity?

(a) True              (b) False



  1. c
  2. b
  3. c
  4. b
  5. c
  6. a
  7. b
  8. a
  9. b
  10. c
  11. a
  12. c
  13. c
  14. a
  15. a