
Pronouns worksheet-2

Pronouns Worksheet-2


  1. What part of speech is the word THEY?

a. pronoun         b. noun               c. verb                d. adjective


  1. A word which takes the place of a noun is called a:

a. plot                 b. pronoun        c. rhyme             d. predicate


  1. What pronoun is used for people?

a. which                                          b. that

c. who                                              d. all of the above

e. none of the above


  1. Choose the proper part of speech for the word pizza in the following sentence.

I ate a giant pizza before quickly going to the baseball game.

a. noun               b. verb                c. adjective        d. pronoun

e. preposition    f. conjunction


  1. Choose the best word to fill in the blank.

Rustam likes electronics, but does ___ have experience with this type of computer?

a. he                    b. we                   c. they                 d. him


  1. Choose the pronoun that best completes the sentence.

" ___ am coming over in the morning to have breakfast," said Tanmay.

a. She                  b. He                   c. I                       d. Her


  1. Identify the pronoun in the following sentence.

She threw the ball.

a. she                  b. threw             c. the                   d. ball



  1. Choose the correct possessive pronoun to fill in the blank.

This is ___ bike. It's mine.

a. my                   b. his                   c. her                  d. your


  1. A simple subject is ___.

a. a noun and a verb                    b. a noun or pronoun

c. a verb                                          d. an adjective


  1. What is the correct pronoun for Mrs. Sharma?

a. He                   b. She                 c. We


  1. Mrs. Sengupta believes, ___ has some instructions for getting the lawnmower started.

a. she                  b. we                   c. I                       d. him


  1. Ms. Ramila said, ___ can finish the task easily.

a. we                   b. they                c. she                  d. he


  1. Choose the correct possessive pronoun to fill in the blank.

It belongs to Mr. Verma. It is ___.

a. his                   b. hers                c. mine               d. ours


  1. Which sentence uses the correct pronoun to replace Ms. Somya?

a. He went to the store.              b. She went to the store.

c. It went to the store.                 d. They went to the store


  1. Choose the pronoun that best completes the sentence.

___ shirts are red.

a. His                  b. Their              c. Her                 d. Its


Answers :

  1. A

  2. B

  3. C

  4. A

  5. A

  6. C

  7. A

  8. A

  9. B

  10. B

  11. A

  12. C

  13. B

  14. B

  15. b