
Metals and non metals Worksheet-6

Metals and non metals Worksheet-6


Multiple-Choice Question (One Option Correct):

  1. What are the products formed in given reaction?

Cu(s) + HCl(aq)

(A) CuCl2 + H2(g)                            (B) Cu2Cl2 + H2(g) 

(C) CuCl + H2(g)                              (D) No reaction


  1. What are the products formed when iron reacts with cold dilute hydrochloric acid?

(A) FeCl3 + H2(g)                               (B) FeCl2 + H2(g) 

(C) FeCl3 + H2(g)                               (D) No reaction


  1. The rate of formation of Hydrogen gas bubble on reaction of given metals with dil. acids decreases in order- Metals – Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn

(A) Zn > Fe> Mg > Cu                       (B) Fe > Zn > Mg > Cu

(C) Mg > Zn > Fe> Cu                       (D) Cu > Mg > Zn > Fe


  1. What tare the products formed in the given reaction.

(A) MgO + H2(g) + SO2(g)                   (B) MgO + H2O + SO2(g)

(C) MgSO4(aq) + H2(g)                         (D) MgSO4(aq) + H2O(l)


  1. What are the products formed in the given reaction

(A) (Ag)2 SO4 + H2(g)                         (B) AgSO4 + H2O

(C) AgO + H2O + SO4(g)                     (D) No Reaction


  1. Which gas is evolved when metals react with dil Nitric acid?

(A) H2(g)                (B) NO2                (C) NO                  (D) All of these


  1. Which gas is evolved when metals react with conc. HNO3 ?

(A) N2O                (B) NO2                (C) NO                  (D) All of these

(E) Both B and C


  1. Aqua –regia is freshly prepared mixture of _____.

(A) 1 part - HCl(conc) and 3 part HNO3(conc)

(B) 1 part - H2SO4(conc) and 3 part HNO3(conc)

(C) 1 part - HNO3(conc) and 3 part HCl(conc)

(D) 1 part - HNO3(conc) and 3 part H2SO4(conc)


  1. Hydrogen is a non-metal but it has been assigned a place in reactivity series of metals, why?

          (A) Hydrogen is present in the 1st group along with Metals

          (B) Hydrogen is electropositive

          (C) Hydrogen  can accept electrons

          (D) Hydrogen is malleable.

          (E) Both A and B


  1. Name the metal which has been placed at the top  of reactivity series

(A) Magnesium   (B) Calcium          (C) Potassium      (D) Sodium


Answer key:

  1. (D) Copper is placed below hydrogen in the metal reactivity series so it cannot displace hydrogen from acids.

  2. (B)

  3. (C)

  4. (C)

  5. (D) Silver is a very less reactive metal it does not react with dilute acids.

  6. (C) Nitric acid is a strong oxidizing agent, so as soon as hydrogen gas is formed it gets oxidized to water and nitric acid is reduced to N2O, NO, NO2 depending on the concentration of nitric acid.With dilute nitric  acid NO gas is evolved.

  7. (B) Nitric acid is a strong oxidizing agent, so as soon as hydrogen gas is formed it gets oxidized to water and nitric acid is reduced to N2O, NO, NO2 depending on the concentration of nitric acid. With concentrated nitric acid NO2 gas is evolved.

  8. (C)

  9. (B)

  10. (C)