
Facts about number MCQ worksheet-2

Facts about number MCQ worksheet-2


  1. Which shows the numbers in order from greatest to least?

a. 560, 213, 355, 419

b. 213, 355, 419, 560

c. 560, 419, 355, 213


  1. What is the value of the 9 in 938?

a. 9                      b.  90                  c.  900                d. 9000


  1. Which group of numbers shows counting by fives?

a. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50                    b. 5, 15, 25, 35, 45

c. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9                                 d. 10, 15, 20, 25, 30


  1. What is the missing number?

25, 30, 35, ____, 45, 50

a. 40                   b. 36                    c. 45                    d. 55


  1. Choose the number this represents:

eight hundred two

a. 802                 b. 820                 c. 8,020             d. 8,002


  1. Which number comes next if counting backward?

40, 30,             

a. 20                   b. 10                    c. 40                    d. 25


  1. What is the rule for this input/output table?
Input       16     27     52     64
Output    31     42     67     79

a. add 11             b. add 15            c. subtract 11     d. subtract 15


  1. What is another way to write 3,458?

a. 300 + 45 + 8                            b. 3000 + 400 + 50 + 8

c.  300 + 400 + 500 + 80          d. 300 + 40 + 58


  1. What is the value of the 2 in 3246?

a. two hundred                              b. twenty

c. two                                               d. two thousand


  1. What number is in the tens place in the number 65?

a. 5                      b. 6


  1. What number is between?

634 _____ 678

a. 633                 b. 679                 c. 645                  d. 435


  1. 10 + 10 – 10 =

a. 10                    b. 20                   c. 30                    d. 500


  1. Which answer shows the expanded form for 349?

a. 300 + 40 + 9                             b. 340 + 9

c. 34 + 9                                         d. 300 + 49


  1. What is 100 + 90 + 5 written in standard form?

a. 1905               b. 199                  c. 10095             d. 195


  1. Which digit is in the tens place in the number 741?

a. 1                       b. 4                      c. 7                      d. 0


Answers :

  1. c
  2. c
  3. d
  4. a
  5. a
  6. a
  7. b
  8. b
  9. a
  10. b
  11. c
  12. a
  13. a
  14. d
  15. b