
English Olympiad Grade 4 Worksheet-26

The Complete Course of Grammar Worksheet-26


  1. What is the predicate nominative in the following sentence?

Water is an ingredient of life.

A. life                  B. water             C. ingredient     D. is


  1. Find the verb in the following sentence.

They gossip too much.

A. too                  B. They              C. gossip            D. too much

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  1. The conjunction but is used to show_____

A. contrast         B. addition        C. choice            D. an unusual reply


  1. What is the object of the preposition in the following sentence:

Manoj raced to the park where other children were playing.

A. children        B. park               C. other              D. where


  1. Find the sentence that has no capitalization errors.

A. Julius Ceasar ruled the roman empire until he was assasinated.

B. julius Ceasar ruled the Roman empire until he was assasinated.

C. Julius Ceasar ruled the Roman Empire until he was assasinated.

D. Julius ceasar ruled the roman empire until he was assasinated.


  1. Choose the sentence that is written correctly.

A. Those peoples look very friendly.

B. Those people look very friendly.

C. This people look very friendly.

D. That people look very friendly.


  1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate articles:

The zookeeper took ___ photo of _____ ugly animal.

A. the, the          B. a, an               C. an, a               D. an, the


  1. The prefix re means:

A. again, back                                B. around

C. beside                                         D. beneath, under


  1. Find the subject and verb in the following sentence.

The best shows on television this week were the ads.

A. television, ads                           B. best shows, on

C. shows, were                              D. shows, this week


  1. How many adjectives are there in this sentence?

The black, swift cat leaped over the wooden, rotten fence before the angry dog could reach it.

A. 3                     B. 4                     C. 5                      D. 6


Answer Keys:

(1)–C; (2)–C; (3)–A; (4)–B; (5)–C; (6)–B; (7)–B; (8)–A; (9)–C; (10)–C