
General Science Worksheet-9

General Science Worksheet-9


  1. In which jobs do people wear uniforms?

A. Pilots             B. Postman       C. Lawyer          D. All of these.


  1. Which of these is the vital gas necessary for survival of living organisms?

A. Nitrogen                                   B. Carbon dioxide

C. Oxygen                                     D. Hydrogen


  1. In the given image, the arrows represent _____.

A. preparation of food by plants

B. release of carbon dioxide

C. absorption and movement of water and minerals

D. all of these


  1. Synthetic fibres are obtained from ____.

A. Plants            B. Sheep             C. Silkworm      D. Chemicals


  1. Which of the following is NOT true for cotton plants?

A. They allow body heat to escape

B. They absorb body heat

C. They let the air to circulate freely

D. They keep our body warm


  1. Cotton is preferred to be worn in a hot and humid place like India. This is because cotton fibres ___.

A. Are strong and light

B. Have air spaces inside them

C. Have air spaces between them

D. Are obtained from plant


  1. Expand FAX.

A. Facsimile Exchange               B. Fact Exporter

C. Far Exchange                          D. Facsimile Adapter


  1. Ramu took a glass of cold water from the refrigerator and placed it on a table. After few minutes he observed water drops on the outer surface of the glass. What has happened?

A. Glass produced water droplets

B. The water in the glass passed out

C. Water vapour present in the air is condensed

D. Water came out from the gaps present in the glass


  1. Process of changing water vapour into water is called ____.

A. Filtration                                   B. Condensation

C. Sedimentation                          D. Decantation


  1. Settling of heavy impurities at the bottom of a vessel is called ____.

A. Filtration                                   B. Condensation

C. Sedimentation                          D. Boiling


Answer Key:

(1)–D; (2)–C; (3)–C; (4)–D; (5)–D; (6)–C; (7)–A; (8)–C; (9)–B; (10)–C