
Multiplication and Division Worksheet-15

multiplication an division worksheets 4th grade

Multiplication & Division Worksheet-15


  1. How many minutes are there in the month of February, 2004?

A. 28 × 24 × 60                            B. 30 × 24 × 60

C. 31 × 24 × 60                            D. 29 × 24 × 60


  1. Division is repeated:

A. Addition                                   B. Subtraction

C. Multiplication                          D. None of these

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  1. 0 ÷ 13 = ____

A. 0                     B. 1                      C. 13                    D. 130


  1. 97 ÷ 97 = ____

A. 97                   B. 0                     C. 1                      D. 977


  1. 11341 ÷ 11 = ____

A. 131                  B. 1031               C. 1310               D. None


  1. The product of two numbers is 476. If one number is 34, what is the other number?

A. 104                 B. 14                    C. 24                   D. 442


  1. The number of weeks in 91 days is:

A. 13                    B. 7                      C. 73                   D. 17

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  1. Madhu divided 3,250 by 18 and obtained a quotient of 179 and remainder of 28. For this problem, which of these checks will help Madhu to find out her mistakes?

A. check if quotient × divisor ÷ remainder = dividend

B. chech his calculations of 18 × 1, 18 × 7 and 18 × 9

C. Check if remainder < dividend

D. Check if remainder < divisor


  1. The exact value of dollar compared to the Indian rupee changes from day to day. On a given day, Rs. 288 was worth 6 dollars. How many dollars would Rs. 480 have been worth on that day?

A. 8                     B. 9                     C. 10                    D. 12


  1. If ⊝⊝⊝⊝⊝⊝ stands for 30, then ⊝⊝ will stand for:

A. 6                     B. 10                   C. 12                    D. 26


Answer Keys

(11)–D; (12)–B; (13)–A; (14)–C; (15)–B; (16)–B; (17)–A; (18)–D; (19)–C; (20)–B