
Food-Our Basic Need Worksheet-2

Food-Our Basic Need Worksheet-2


Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. Food rich in vitamins and minerals is called _____ food.

(a) protective              (b) diseased


  1. Food rich in ______ and minerals is called protective food.

(a) vitamins                (b) proteins


  1. Food rich in vitamins and ______ is called protective food.

(a) minerals                (b) roughage


  1. Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and ______.

(a) minerals                (b) roughage


  1. Milk is rich in ______ and minerals.

(a) vitamins                (b) proteins


  1. ______ is rich in vitamins and minerals.

(a) Liver                      (b) Cereals                  (c) Pulses


  1. Which of the following is not a mineral?

(a) Sodium                  (b) Iron                        (c) Milk


  1. Which of the following is not a mineral?

(a) Potassium             (b) Common salt       (c) Oil


  1. Which of the following is not a mineral?

(a) Iodine                    (b) Sulphur                 (c) Cheese


  1. Which of the following mineral helps in the formation of bones and teeth?

(a) Calcium                (b) Iron                        (c) Sodium


Answer Key:

(1)-a; (2)-a; (3)-a; (4)-a; (5)-a; (6)-a; (7)-c; (8)-c; (9)-c; (10)-a