
Tense mixed review Worksheet-21

Tense mixed review Worksheet-21


Use the simple past or the past perfect tense as needed:

  1. Mina ____ the poem before the exam started.

A. Had learnt    B. Has learnt    C. Was learnt    D. Will learnt


  1. Mother had taught me this lesson long before teacher ____ it in school.

A. Has started                               B. Had started

C. Started                                       D. Was started


  1. The dog ____ his feed when the vet arrived.

A. Has eaten     B. Had eaten     C. Was eaten     D. Have eaten


  1. The salesgirl ____ a few purses before her boss reached the store.

A. Had sold                                    B. Have sold

C. Having sold                               D. Has sold


  1. The tailor had stitched my dress before I ____ him the changes.

A. Told               B. Have told      C. Has told        D. Had told


  1. The compounder ____ the wound before the doctor came.

A. Has wounded                           B. Have wounded

C. Had wounded                           D. Was wounded


  1. The mother ____ up the baby before its father finished his dinner.

A. Having dressed                        B. Have dressed

C. Has dressed                              D. Had dressed


  1. It had rained for about 3 days continuously before the sun ____ again.

A. Had shone    B. Have shone  C. Shone            D. Has shone


  1. ‘Penguin Books’ had published this title before ‘India Book House’ ____ to publish it. 

A. Have agreed                             B. Has agreed

C. Agreed                                       D. Had agreed 


  1. The shop ____ before Sunita reached it.

A. Have closed                              B. Had closed

C. Having closed                           D. Has closed


Answer Key:

  1. A

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. C

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. B

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. A

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. A

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. C

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. D

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. C

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. C

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. B

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.